중3영어 알려주ㅜ세요 빨리ㅛ요ㅜ

중3영어 알려주ㅜ세요 빨리ㅛ요ㅜ

작성일 2024.01.23댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요


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05. (1) 나는 당신이 프로젝트를 하도록 도와줄 많은 진구들이 있다.

(with, many, help, have, the project, 10단어)

→ I have many friends to help you with the project.

(2) William은 Emma와 그 뮤지컬을 볼 기회를 놓쳤다.

(a chance, with, miss, see, 10 딘어)

→ William missed a chance to see the musical with Emma.

(3) 당신의 꿈을 이루기 위해 해야 할 많은 것들이 있습니다.

(to, there, things, realize, dream, 10 단어)

→ There are many things to do to realize your dream.

(4) Jim이 그 다친 고양이를 구해 줄 충분한 시간이 있을까요?

(save, enough, injured, have, cat, 10 단어)

→ Does Jim have enough time to save the injured cat?

06. (1) I need a bed. My parents will sleep on it.

→ I need a bed for my parents to sleep on.

(2) Bring us a piece of paper. She will sign on it.

→ Bring us a piece of paper for he to sign on.

(3) Lena gave her son some money. He will buy the shoses with the money.

→ Lena gave her son some money to buy the shoes with.

07. 어색한 부분 찾아 한 단어만 고치거나 추가하기.

(1) If Mary likes flowers or not is very important to Jordan.

[ If → Whether ]

(2) I want to know that you can help me with the project.

[ that → if ]

(3) In London, there are many fancy restaurants for us to eat.

[ to eat → to eat in ]

(4) Do you have anything to write? Such as a pencil or a fountain pen.

[ to write → to write with ]


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