,(급해요, 내공 1200)중3 영어 수행평가 도와주세요

,(급해요, 내공 1200)중3 영어 수행평가 도와주세요

작성일 2023.09.27댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

1. My name is seojin, and I’d like to recommend seoeun as a hidden hero of our class.
2. She has done a lot of things for our classmates.
3. She publishes loudly herself in school hours and she studies hard to make our class study hard too.
4. She helps her friends when they there are something they didn’t know in the group activities.
5. I recommend her as the hidden because she studies as well as a teacher in our class.
6. Plus, she has out standing leadership when she is in the group activities
7. To contribute to making the better class like she did, I will publish hard in school hours like her.
8. In addition, I will not eat snacks during school hours and clean our class to be pleasant
9. Once, I was very thankful for seoeun’s help. when I had difficulties.
10. I hope every classmates will appreciate seoeun's work and cheer each other on.

이 문장에서 문법 틀린거 있는지 봐주시고 5번 제외하고 나머지 문장중 한 문장을 명사를 수식 하는 분사형용사를 활용하는 문장으로 바꿔주세요 명사만 수식하면 안됩니다 진짜 급해요ㅠ

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

목동영어학원 길벗아카데미 영어과 박기순t입니다.

중3 80점 이상을 대상으로 설명드릴께요

*원문을 클릭하고 보시면, 수정된 부분이 더 선명하게 보일 겁니다

*3번 문장에 명사를 수식하는 분사가 활용되어 있습니다

1. My name is Seojin, and I’d like to recommend Seoeun as a hidden hero of our class.

2. She has done a lot of things for our classmates.

3. She gives an active presentaion in class and she is a student making

our class study hard as well.

4. She helps her friends when there are things they don’t know

in group activities.

5. I recommend her as a hidden hero because she studies hard like a teacher

in our class.

6. Plus, she shows outstanding leadership when she participates in group activities.

7. To contribute to making a better class like she does, I will also take active part

in class.

8. In addition, I will not eat snacks during class and I will try to keep our class clean.

9. Once, I was very thankful for Seoeun’s help when I had difficulties.

10. I hope every classmate will appreciate Seoeun's work and cheer each other on.

**추가 질문 있으시면 댓글 남겨주세요~~^^

​**아래 내용도 한 번 읽어봐 주세요!

*5분 암기 1분 테스트, 억지로 외우는 시스템은 가라!

우리 길벗아카데미는 체계적인 우리만의 책으로! (영어 단어 워드북)*

(목동중등영어학원, 목동고등영어학원, 목동초등영어학원)

*숙제량, 학습량이 조절되고 선생님이 1:1로 꼼꼼히 봐주는 시스템? (학생과 학습문자)*

(목동초등논술학원, 목동중등영어학원, 목동고등영어학원, 목동중등수학학원)

자, 그럼 저렇게 다 떼는데 얼마만큼의 시간이 필요하냐?

제대로 된 선생님이 옆에 붙어 있다면 1년 반이면 됩니다.

옆에서 해석 봐주고, 독해 포인트 잡아주고, 문법 설명해주고, 단어 암기 독려해주고...

이걸 혼자서는 절대 못하죠.

프로 선생이 있는 프로 학원에 오셔야죠.

길벗아카데미 영어학원

서울특별시 양천구 목동중앙서로 22-1 2층

☎ 전화상담: 02-2062-1858

☎ 카톡상담: https://pf.kakao.com/_bVxjxoE

☎ 공식 홈페이지 상담: https://www.gilbutacademy.com/sp_main/counsel_p.html





profile_image 익명 작성일 -

* 간단한 것은 빨강색으로 고치고, 설명 필요하면 아래에 첨가합니다.

1. My name is Seojin, and I’d like to recommend Seoeun as a hidden hero of our class.

2. She has done a lot of things for our classmates.

3. She publishes actively herself in school hours and she 1,puts a lot of effort to make our class study more hard too.

4. She helps her friends when (they)(삭제) there is something they don't know in the group activities.

5. I recommend her as the hidden because she studies as 2.hard as a teacher in our class.

6. Plus, she has outstanding(한단어임) leadership when we are in the group activities

7. To contribute to making our class better as she does, I will present my view as hard in school hours as her.

8. In addition, I will not eat snacks during school hours to keep our classroom clean.

9. Once, I was very thankful for Seoeun’s help 3.solving my difficulties.

10. I hope every classmates will appreciate Seoeun's sacrifice and cheer each other up.(서로 격려~)

* 1=> (같은 말의 중복을 피하려고,) => 많은 노력을 기울인다.

2. 선생님만큼이나 공부 잘한다 이건 좀 무례하니까요, 그만큼 열심히 한다가 낫겠죠?

3. 명사를 꾸미는 현재분사어구가 뒤에 나오도록 했어요.

문장에서 문법 틀린거 있는지 봐주시고 5번 제외하고 나머지 문장중 한 문장을 명사를 수식 하는 분사형용사를 활용하는 문장으로 바꿔주세요 명사만 수식하면 안됩니다 진짜 급해요ㅠ

급해요ㅠㅠ 수행평가 도와주세요

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