고1 YBM 박 본문

고1 YBM 박 본문

작성일 2022.04.09댓글 1건
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고등학교 ybm 박 본문 1과 2과 3과 본문 복사해서 지식인답변에 붙여넣어주실 수 있을까요? 바로 복사해서 프린트하고싶어서요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ (파일말고 글자형태루요!!)

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You are 17 years old. A wonderful age! Like all young people, you are full of hopes and expectations. At this important time in your life, I'd like to tell you about two people who realized their dreams. Put Your Dreams on Paper It is a common practice among successful people to write down their dreams on paper. They make lists of dreams and put them where they will see and read them often. They will put them under a glass cover on their desk or carry them about in their pocket so that they will be constantly reminded of the goals they set for themselves. The following story is about John Goddard, an adventurer, explorer, and writer. In 1972, he was featured in LIFE, a famous American magazine, as a man who achieved his teenage dreams.One rainy afternoon in 1940, sitting at his dining room table, the 15-year-old Goddard hit upon a plan. He wrote "My Life Goals" on a sheet of paper. Then he wrote down 127 goals for himself. Some of the items would be relatively easy to achieve, such as visiting the Great Wall of China and joining the Boy Scouts. The list included other goals that involved excitement or adventure, such as sailing around the world and flying an airplane. Showing a strong interest in exploring unknown places, Goddard also wanted to set foot on the moon and climb Mt. Everest.What made John Goddard record his dreams on paper? He remembered that a friend of his dad's regretted not doing all the things he wanted to when he was John's age. He thought, "I never want to miss an opportunity to do things that I dream of." He carried the wish list everywhere he went and tried throughout his life to turn his dreams into reality. When LIFE introduced Goddard's story with the title "One Man's Life of No Regrets," he had already realized 104 of his list of 127 dreams! He had carried out a number of adventurous explorations, including the first solo kayak trip down the length of the Nile River and standing on the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.Your Enthusiasm Will Pay off Can only people of unusual talent achieve their goals? Certainly not. Thomas Edison, the great inventor, once said, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." The famous Korean ballerina Kang Sue Jin is a case in point. Kang Sue Jin fell in love with ballet at the age of 14, a very late start for anyone who desires to be outstanding at the art. At the age of 16, she entered the Monaco Royal Ballet School where, at first, she was very anxious because other students performed far better than her. To master the necessary skills, she practiced for 15 hours a day. Her enthusiasm for ballet made her practice the moves hundreds, even thousands of times, until she perfected each one. In 1985, her constant effort helped her win the grand prize in a famous international competition in Lausanne, Switzerland.Sue Jin's toes became out of shape due to the long hours of hard work. Although her toes may look ugly, many people say they are the most beautiful feet in the world. Sue Jin has said, "Put all of your energy into any goals that you want to achieve. Success comes only as the result of a long and painful process." Limitless dreaming is a privilege of the young. Your dreams, however, are not something to be caged in your mind. Without recording them somewhere, they may end up as nothing more than wild fantasies. Of course, recording your dreams is not enough. You also need to make a plan and make every effort to achieve your dreams. That enthusiastic effort will become the driving force to help you overcome the difficulties that challenge you in the course of achieving your goals.


What do animals have to do with the English language? A whole lot! You'll be surprised to know just how many English expressions involve animals. Consider some of the fascinating ways in which animals are involved in everyday English. Let's begin with a basic linguistic process, the analogy. An analogy is a comparison between two things and a convenient way for language to create new meanings. Animals are usually used because they are familiar to everyone. By way of analogy, animal expressions draw on the similarities between animals and humans. People who are not courageous are called "chickens," while brave leaders are said to be "lionhearted." In most cases, it is not hard to see the logic behind the comparisons. Animal analogies are based on close observation of animal behavior. However, what if the casual observation leads to false assumptions, or misinterpretation gets in the way? Interestingly, this has often been the case with English animal expressions. "Crocodile tears" is a good example. One is said to weep "crocodile tears" if they pretend to be sad when they are not. The idea comes from the popular belief that crocodiles weep over the prey they kill. The fact is, crocodiles seem to cry while they eat, but this is because their eyes are stimulated when the muscles around the mouth move to eat. Their tears are only a physical response with nothing to do with feelings."Making a beeline" also belongs to the group of animal expressions based on flawed observation. "A beeline" typically means a straight line between two points. If you "make a beeline for" someone or something, you go straight toward your destination, ignoring everything else along the way. For instance, your mom might have told you to make a beeline home after school. Now you may wonder if bees really fly straight to where they want to go. The answer is, usually they do not. As you may have observed, they make irregular twists and turns in their flight. They often stop to rest and take a long way around. It is only when they return home with a load of honey that they make a straight line. In the case of the bee, only part of the truth came to represent the whole.Even though many people know that these analogies are not based on science, the expressions do not easily disappear in the language. In fact, partly due to these expressions, some people still hold the belief that crocodiles weep and bees always fly straight to their destination. Sometimes, the meaning of analogies may not be obvious. For instance, what comes to mind when you hear the phrase "white elephant" or "black sheep"? Most people, hearing these phrases for the first time, cannot correctly guess their meanings.The expression "white elephant" comes from Thailand. Long ago, in Thailand, white elephants were very rare. Whenever one was found, it was given to the king. The king would then give it as a royal "gift" to someone he did not like since the beautiful animal cost a fortune to take care of. Nobody could refuse such a present, but it could financially ruin its owner. Moreover, it was a serious crime to mistreat a present from the king. Even riding it was not allowed, so a white elephant was almost useless. The expression, introduced in England in the 18th century, turned out to be useful for describing costly but useless public buildings. Today, it is used to refer to anything that might be costly and useless to someone.Black sheep, like white elephants, are not common, and they also mean trouble for their owners. The expression is from the English history of sheep farming. Long ago, black wool was worthless because it was almost impossible to dye. When a black sheep was born, the owners saw it as bad luck. Today the expression "black sheep" refers to an odd and unpopular member of a family or a group, perhaps because the unpopular black sheep stood out in a group of white sheep. These interesting expressions are only a few examples of the English expressions having to do with animals. Watch for others as you learn more English. Be curious about them and research their roots. It is a fun way to learn the language.


Most celebrations cannot be held without food, whether they are birthdays, weddings, or holidays. Sometimes, however, food itself is the reason to celebrate. Whether you like trying unusual foods such as garlic ice cream or worm milkshake, or just enjoy learning about foreign dishes, food festivals are often held to celebrate the food traditions of the region where they take place. Here are some unique food festivals, from fish to fruit to side dishes. Why don't you stop by and try some of the tasty food offerings, if ever you have a chance to travel to one of these regions and come upon a food festival?International Mango Festival New Delhi, India · June-July Summers and mangoes go hand in hand in India. The International Mango Festival, held every year in the summer, celebrates everything about mangoes. It features many events and activities associated with the mango, including mango eating competitions, quizzes, and mango carving. Started in 1987, the festival exhibits more than 550 varieties of mangoes and provides a rare opportunity to taste them all for free. Various products based on mangoes, such as mango juice and mango ice cream, are offered while chefs from famous restaurants present new recipes that include mangoes.Maine Lobster Festival Rockland, Maine, U.S. · August The Maine Lobster Festival is a celebration of dishes made from fresh lobsters caught off the coast of Maine. The first festival was held in 1947 as a one-day event. Now it is a five-day festival. At cooking contests that use lobsters as the main ingredient, visitors can taste unusual dishes, including lobster Caesar salad and lobster wraps. Visitors to the festival can also enjoy other local seafood dishes such as shrimp and steamed clams, either as street food or in restaurants. The festival also has a parade and a race called the Great International Lobster Crate Race, in which participants run over lobster crates floating in the harbor, sometimes falling into the cold water. Many volunteers help the organizers hold this festival, and almost one ton of lobsters are served to both locals and visitors from outside the region.Baltic Herring Festival Helsinki, Finland · October Every year in early October, Helsinki's harbor changes into a lively, colorful set for the Baltic Herring Festival, first held in 1743. Fishermen from all over Finland bring their latest catch to Helsinki to take part in one of Finland's oldest festivals. Sellers in bright orange tents line the harbor and sell herring in every imaginable form: fried, pickled, smoked, in bottles, in cans, in soup, on pizza, and in sandwiches. The choices are endless. On the first day of the festival, competitions are held to select the most delicious seasoned herring and the best herring surprise. Herring surprise is a traditional dish made with herring, cheese, and onions. The winner of each competition is awarded a trophy. Music performances, cooking shows, and a kids' concert take place at the festival. For those who do not regard herring as their favorite food, there are many boats and street food shops offering other traditional Finnish food, including warm salmon soup.Gwangju World Gimchi Festival Gwangju, Korea · October The Gwangju World Gimchi Festival celebrates Gimchi, a traditional Korean dish made of salted vegetables with a variety of seasonings such as red pepper and garlic. First held in 1994, the festival is one of the largest food festivals in Korea and offers an unusual opportunity for visitors to taste many different kinds of Gimchi from Jeolla-do. Visitors to the festival can enjoy a variety of activities. Anyone who loves the Gimchi of this region will not only be able to taste it but also have a chance to learn to make it. Among the many kinds of Gimchi featured in the demonstrations are Baechu Gimchi and Gat Gimchi. There is a competition to pick the best Gimchi, as well as another one for foreigners to demonstrate their Gimchi-making skills. Volunteers offer free Gimchi cooking lessons for anyone who wants to learn some new recipes.

고1 YBM 박 본문

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