영어 급해요

영어 급해요

작성일 2021.11.30댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

중2 기말 천재 정사열 8과 본문 좀 주세요
해석 말고 그냥 영어 본문으로요ㅠ

#급해요 급해 영어

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안녕하세요. 로드맵 영어 이가람 선생님입니다.

중2 천재(정사열) 8과 본문입니다.

Design for All

본문 1 – Patricia Moore - Mother of Universal Design

In 1979, a woman started a journey to cities in the U.S. and Canada. She looked over 80. She couldn't see or hear well. She couldn't walk well without a stick.

With all these difficulties, the woman had to climb stairs in subway stations and get on crowded buses. She had to open heavy doors and use can openers with her weak hands. Sometimes she got hurt or found herself in danger. Every moment was very difficult for her, but she visited more than 115 cities and ended her trip in 1982.

본문 2 - Patricia Moore - Mother of Universal Design

Who was the woman and what made her do all this? She was Patricia Moore, a 26-year-old designer. During the 1970s, she worked for a big design company. She often asked at meetings, "How about designing for old or weak people?" The other designers always answered, "We don't design for those people."

She became tired of the same cold answer. Finally, she decided to become one of "those people" and travel around many cities to understand their difficulties better. For this, she put on her grandmother's clothes, uncomfortable shoes, and thick glasses. The shoes were so uncomfortable that she couldn't walk well without a stick. The glasses were so thick that she couldn't see well with them. She also put lots of cotton in her ears to make her hearing bad.

본문 3 - Patricia Moore - Mother of Universal Design

During her journey, Patricia felt the difficulties old people go through. From this experience, she designed products anybody could use safely and easily. This was the beginning of "universal design," or "design for all."

One example of her universal design ideas is low-floor buses. They have no steps and have such a low floor that even a person in a wheelchair can use them without any help. Of course, this helps other people get on the bus more comfortably, too.

본문 4 - Patricia Moore - Mother of Universal Design

Today more and more designers are following Patricia's way. Products like big flat light switches, doors with easy handles, and phones with touch buttons are helping people live better lives. Look around you, feel the difficulties of people who are older or weaker, and try to find solutions from their point of view. You could be the next Patricia Moore and make the world a better place for everybody.

도움이 되셨나요?

지금까지 로드맵 영어 이가람 선생님이였습니다.


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