2017년 천재교육 영어 중3 1과 2과 본문 써주세요(영어로)

2017년 천재교육 영어 중3 1과 2과 본문 써주세요(영어로)

작성일 2017.04.29댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

영어 중3꺼 본문 1과랑 2과 본문을 영어로 써주세요 1과 본문 제목은 Bora's Sunday 이고 2과 본문 제목은 A Lesson with an lrish Teacher 입니다!
꼭 좀 부탁드려요

#천재교육 2017년

profile_image 익명 작성일 -


선생님도 매월 시험보는 학원

목동 영어 전문학원

길벗아카데미 영어과 이희진입니다.


It  is Sunday morning, and Bora is at her desk. It has been a busy week for her. She has tried to catch up, but she could not finish all of her homework.



She takes out her notebook and looks at the list of homework that is due tomorrow. Bora decides to do the science homework first because science is her favorite subject.



Bora looks around her desk. The desk is so messy that she decides to tidy it up first. She puts all the books back onto the bookshelf. She puts away her pencils and paper. Now the desk is tidy, and she feels ready to work.



Suddenly, she feels hungry. She goes to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat. She finds ramyeon, and she feels happy.



After eating the ramyeon, Bora goes back to her desk. She reads through the steps for the science homework. She learns that she needs to find some information on the Internet. So, she turns on the computer.




A few minutes later, she gets a call from her friend, Jiho. He asks Bora if she can watch a movie with him at 12:30 pm. Bora can't say no to him. So, she decides to do her science homework when she gets back home.






Bora plans to come home around 3 pm, but ends up getting back home around 6 pm. After dinner, Bora goes online again and soon comes across an article about her favorite singer. She likes him so much that she never misses any news about him. She reads a few more articles and leaves some comments. When she finally goes back to her science homework, it is already 10 at night. She is so sleepy that she can't focus on her homework.












In English class, we had a special lesson about Irish culture. A tall man visited our class and gave a lesson about his country. He was wearing a green T-shirt. It was not easy to understand his accent at first, but we got used to it little by little.






Hi, my name is Patrick O'Neill. I'm from Dublin, Ireland. I have been teaching English at a Korean high school for two years. I'm happy to tell you about my country and its culture.






Mr. O'Neill told us a lot about Ireland. Ireland was one country in the past. But now it is divided into Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland is now part of the United Kingdom, but still keeps its Irish culture.




Now, let me tell you about a special day for us. Every March 17, Irish people all over the world celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Actually, we've been celebrating this day for more than 1,000 years. On this day, there is a big parade, and everyone wears green. You're not Irish if you don't wear green on this day.








We watched a short video about St. Patrick's Day. In the video, people were celebrating their special holiday. Everyone was wearing green. Even some people's faces were green.







After the video, Mr. O'Neill taught us a chant. He said many children in Ireland love it. The chant was very simple. So, it was easy to chant along with him.






Then Mr. O'Neill introduced a traditional Irish sport called Gaelic football. He showed us a video of a Gaelic football match.





Gaelic football is one of the most popular sports in Ireland. There are fifteen players on each team. The players can use their hands as well as their feet to handle the ball. It's very exciting.





In the last part of the class, Mr. O'Neill taught us how to say "Bye!" in Irish. We all said "Slán!" loudly and waved good-bye to him.


































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