오늘자 톰 홀랜드 마틴스콜세지 도발.JPG > 인기 게시물_old2

오늘자 톰 홀랜드 마틴스콜세지 도발.JPG

작성자 익명 작성일 2021-12-25 10:30 댓글 28건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

The 25-year-old then pointed to stars such as Benedict Cumberbatch – who can currently be seen in both Spider-Man: No Way Home and the Oscar-tipped The Power of the Dog – saying that he would echo Holland’s point that the process was the same in Marvel and indie films.

“When you’re making these films, you know that good or bad, millions of people will see them, whereas when you’re making a small indie film, if it’s not very good no one will watch it, so it comes with different levels of pressure,” he said.

“I mean, you can also ask Benedict Cumberbatch or Robert Downey Jr or Scarlett Johansson — people who have made the kinds of movies that are ‘Oscar-worthy’ and also made superhero movies — and they will tell you that they’re the same, just on a different scale. And there’s less Spandex in ‘Oscar movies.’”




오늘자 톰 홀랜드 마틴스콜세지 도발.JPG -cboard




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다른 배우들 끌어들이면서 까가지고 욕 먹는 중








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