ritual Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지


... special ritual: they go to the graves of their... ancient ritual called "bone cleaning." Their ancestors... special ritual: they go to the graves of their ancestors...


번역 좀 부탁드립니다,

... The Roman Catholic Church is known for its ritual of exorcism, including the use of... The Roman Catholic Church is known for its ritual of exorcism, including the use...


문장 구문 및 해석 해주세요ㅜㅜ

1.If so, the focus group is a fitting ritual for our... If so, the focus group is a fitting ritual for our... - the focus group is a fitting ritual for our market democracy...


분사구문 질문 합니다

scientific knowledge was embedded within ritual and myth... within ritual and myth, revealed only to priests. 이... ~ within ritual and myth, and it was revealed only to priests.


Of which 질문

Music began by serving communal purposes, of which religious ritual and warfare are two... Music began by serving communal purposes + and Music's(=its) religious ritual and...

태그: 영어문법

사전적 의미와 자료 문의 드립니다

아무리 검색 구글링해도 자료가 안나와서요 seasonal ritual regional festival 이... seasonal ritual 계절적인 의식: 계절에 맞춘 의식으로 보시면 됩니다. 설, 정월대보름...

태그: 외국어, 번역, 사전, 국어, 영어, 영어번역

영어 해석

... religious ritual and warfare are two examples. 1.뒤에 of... Music began by serving communal purpose, of which religious ritual and warfare are two examples. 에서 religious ritual...


영어 번역좀 부탁합니다.

... and ritual; where he glimpses a destination that he can never know fully until he... and ritual; where he glimpses a destination that he can never know fully until he...


영어 해석좀요 ㅠㅠ 내공 다드림...

... a ritual for dead heroes in some European countries.... this ritual. Later, it became a festival in the United... a ritual for dead heroes in some European countries....


영어 번역 부탁드립니다.

... and ritual; where he glimpses a destination that he can never know fully until he... and ritual; 그러한 영역에서(where) 사람(he)은 (어떤 것의) 의의(의미)...


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