lifted Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지



was being lifted was been lifting 중에 위에만 되는 이유가 있나요? 수동진행형 was being lifted was been... 잔행형(was being) + 수동태(being lifted) 형태입니다.


and said in a loud v

... 3) He has brought down mighty kings from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly.... and lifted up the lowly. the lowly가 뭔가요?? 문법적으로...

태그: 영어, 번역

영어 문법

1.My arm was being lifted 여기서 빙이 왜들어가나요? 2 I could see my watch and... 그리고 전체다 해석해주세요 영어 문법 1.My arm was being lifted 여기서...


수동태에서 능동태 변환

... The house is lifted and flown by thousands of balloons in the animation. 이... The house is lifted and flown by thousands of balloons in the animation....

태그: 수동태능동태, 수동태전환, 수동태를능동태로

영 문법질문

... i lifted too much heavy stuff 첫문장 much는 easy수식할수없어서... i lifted too much heavy stuff 첫문장 much는 easy수식할수없어서...


Just as she lifted the lid....

Just as she lifted the lid. 위 문장의 just as 위주로 설명 부탁드립니다. just as는 '막 ~ 했을 때'라는 뜻입니다. 그녀가 뚜껑을 막 들어올렸을 때.


Being 용법 관련 해석및 문법...

He envisioned the truck being lifted onto the ship. 이 문장에서 being lifted 가 어떤... being 용법이 너무약해서 혹시 자료 얻을수있을까요 being 은 수동태 is lifted 에서...

태그: 문법, 영어문법, 영어독해

선생님, 분사구문인가요,,?

... be lifted towards the end of September. [ ] -> 정확히 해석을 어떻게 하면... be lifted towards the end of September. [ ] -> 정확히 해석을 어떻게 하면 되고.....



... being lifted under the axilla, to see the spontaneous correction. This needs to be... being lifted under the axilla, to see the spontaneous correction. 등골 척추...


shell-like back,and when he lifted his

... He was lying on his hard shell-like back, and when he lifted his head a little he could... 해석해주세요 그리고 2.when he lifted his head a little he could see his dome...


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