disciplines Qna 관련 답변 43 페이지



• Understanding international business strategy requires the reader to draw upon a number of different disciplines, bases and approaches to the subject. • three different...


문법질문좀 도와주세영ㅠㅠ

... Ethology is a combination of laboratory and field science, with strong ties to certain other disciplines — e.g., neuroanatomy, ecology, evolution. Ethologists are...



... across disciplines and institutional boundaries inside and outside China. 해석점요 제가 영어를 못해서 ㄷㄷ 채택 부탁드려요~ 정치와 공공 행정...


(급)영어번역부탁합니다. 내공만땅...

... Unless the industry disciplines itself, we're into a pretty rough ride on rates." 전체적인 차별의 부족 New York University International Hospitality Industry...


영작 부탁 ^ㅡ^

... depressing disciplines, some of us are apt to become short-tempered and easily lose the temper. ------------------------------ 내용을 자연스럽게 하기 위해 필요에 따라...


영어 해석좀 해주세요 번역기로말고 ㅠㅠ...

... From that time on / the photographic medium has been the language / he has used to understand a host of other disciplines. 그때로부터 / 사진 매체는, 그가 다수의...


[영어->한글] 심리학논문 영어번역...

... Given the complementary nature of the approaches associated with these two disciplines, the development of new, interdisciplinary initiatives led jointly by...

태그: 영어, 논문, 번역


... Tested disciplines must be offered at Columbia at the undergraduate level for the policy to apply. For Columbia College, the undergraduate liberal arts school, 6 points of course credit for an A...

태그: 미국유학, 미국대학, hnd

러시아군 패치를 파는 곳

... Physical Disciplines of MVD. $5.95 80326 Sleeve Patch for Samara State... Physical Disciplines of MVD (parade uniform). $5.95 80458 Patch for Tolyatti...


영어 작문좀 부탁드려요~ 내공 40걸어요~

... I had more-----------------many disciplines of social welfare. So I got ---------------------------------- 사회복지사의 좋은 점은1 보람이 있다 2 다른 사람을 도와줌으로써 얻는...


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