tenders Qna 관련 답변 4 페이지


입찰 서류에서 한 문장 번역부탁

Tenders shall be firm for acceptance within 60 days from the date stipulated for receipt of bids. ---> 입찰 서류에 지침인데 firm for acceptance 를 뭐라고 이해하면 될까요?...


영문 번역좀 부탁드립니다.

Information Service Description Tenders Upcoming Tenders The procurement project under... Advance Tenders The information released by project organize prior to the approval of...


제발~~~번역좀 해주세요~~(내공유)

... prepared tenders for two national sanitary landfills. The tenders related to the planning, establishment... These tenders marked the start of implementation of the government...


내공 200 영어 노래 번역 부탁드립니다.

... As the cracked bells peal it all seems unreal but the seventh seal stays unbroken and the Offertory plate tenders no escape - still I refuse to scrape up a token of esteem for...


긴급!! 번역부탁합니다,, 내공 70

... FoodService's list of most frequently ordered foods are chicken tenders, french... chicken tenders, french fries, and carbonated beverages. 닭 제공들, 프랑스인...


한글로번역해주세요 (내공 85) 영어

... Public sector organizations (PSO's) post tenders in the form of RFP's, RFI's... Public sector organizations (PSO's) post tenders in the form of RFP's, RFI's, RFQ's...


스위스 음식 전부 알려주세요.

... q=Swiss+Perch+Tenders&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiwx_e1_Pf2AhUBHqYKHdVJCBoQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=Swiss+Perch+Tenders&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDDoHCCMQ7wMQJzoFCAAQgARQ...

태그: 스위스, 스위스음식, 전부, 스위스요리

이런 문장은 어떻게 해석이 되는지요?

Tenders the Loyal Greetings of all Queen's awards winners to Her Majesty The Queen 여왕을 위해서 여왕의 상에 대한 로얄 인사를 제공하다. 도움이 되셨다면, 채택...


영어 질문입니다

... Principal - any party inviting and receiving tenders. A Principal may include a contractor or subcontractor. Tenderer - any party submitting tenders, including contractor...

태그: 독해, tender, contract, construction

입찰관련 사이트 번역부탁드려요

... Information Service Description Tenders Daily project... Advance Tenders The information released by project... New Tenders The tendering notices released by China are open...


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