prompts Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지


영어 에세이 첨삭 (문장 구조 변경)

... This irony spotlights stark societal inequalities and prompts readers to... This irony spotlights stark societal inequalities and prompts readers to...

태그: 영어, 에세이, 영어에세이, 영어에세이첨삭, 영어에세이쓰기

토익문제 알려주세요

... (A) prompt (B) prompts (C) promptly (D) prompted 8. The company provides... (A) prompt (B) prompts (C) promptly (D) prompted be 수동태 p.p + 부사...

태그: 토익공부, 토익문제, 토익풀이, 영어문제, 영어알려주세요

c++ break를 쓰지 않고 어떻게...

... // gets user inputs and print the prompts while (true) { cout << "Enter the... // gets user inputs and print the prompts while ( getNextName(employeeName) )...


이 영어 문장 독해 순서 좀 알려주세요

her long hair is tousled in a way that prompts reflexive thoughts of the previous night. 어떤... her long hair/ is tousled /in a way that prompts reflexive thoughts/ of the previous night....


영어 문법 문제

... Use the prompts to write questions. Write your own answers. ex) when/it/open When... Use the prompts to write questions. Write your own answers. 당신 친구가...


영어 해석 좀 부탁합니다..빨리 좀...

... the prompts using the following format: DATE "MO/DA... For other types of reports, initiate dialog prompts... the prompts using the following format: ON을 눌러...


토익 문제들 풀고 왜 이게 답인지...

... 1 prompts 2 prompt 3 promptly 4 promtness 부탁 드려요ㅠ If you service is... 1 prompts 2 prompt 3 promptly 4 promtness >> 명사 manner 앞에는 형용사...


해석부탁드려요 ㅠ ㅠ

... This discovery prompts many children to look around the room in search of other... This discovery prompts many children to look around the room in search of other...


영어 해석좀 부탁드려요!!sam님 계신가영..

... to prompts or cues in so-called cue-response drills. It was only later that peple... to prompts or cues in so-called cue-response drills. 초기의 랩언어 테이프...


해석좀 도와 주세요..

... audiovisual prompts, and 8 participants with SMMSE score as low as 3/30 were... audiovisual prompts, and 8 participants with SMMSE score as low as 3/30 were followed...


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