in depth Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지


... deep into /deep onto /depth in /in depth into 여기서 뭘까요 해석 문제같긴 한데... she가 지칭하는 대상이 없어도 그냥 그녀가 라고 해석 해도 되겟죠?...

태그: 문법문제

영어 문장 구조분석 좀 해주세요

The Ocean that covers most of the Earth's surface is not only large in size but also profound in depth 문장 구조가 어떻게 되있는건지 그래서 몇...

태그: 영어문법질문, 영어구조분석

영어 문법관련 질문

... Readers will be able to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings online while still enjoying the in-depth comprehensive reporting the paper is famous for 이 문장을 제가...

태그: 문법, 영어, 독해


In addition to the daily news, we have identified several topics for in-depth analysis, each forming a four-part series to be broadcast next month. 여기서 제일뒷문장 each...


이 영어 문장구조 좀 봐주세요.

Thus describing in depth the scenario a person walking up the down escalator is an analogy for homeostasis is more useful to a student's understanding than just stating superficially...


영어 문장 첨삭 추가내공500!!

... Through this interview, my goal was to distinguish myself from others by pursuing more in-depth studies in my major after attending graduate school....

태그: 영어문법, 영어

영어 번역

... This realization led me to aspire to study choreography in depth, and it transformed my entire perspective on the art of dance. 이 수정된 버전은...

태그: 영어, 영어번역

영어 번역 및 문법 확인 부탁드려요!

... By being excluded from the observation list, Korea is free from the danger of in-depth analysis. Therefore, various new policy measures can be actively tried. There is also...


영어 문장 해석

... she responded with the declarations "everything I do is art" and "my work will be the work," precepts that, as this essay will discuss in depth, have since been borne...


영어 번역부탁드립니다

... Because the concentration of the reporter has a great influence on the quality of the article when they conducting in-depth coverage. I can say that my talent is constantly immersed...

태그: 번역

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