pendemic Qna 관련 답변 17 페이지


Conventional vaccine

... a pandemic a logistical nightmare. 답이 making... a pandemic a logistical nightmare. make + 목적어... a pandemic)이 목적어로 쓰였고요. (a logical nightmare)...

태그: 영어고수의도움이필요합니다, 영어문법질문, 영어문법

영어문법 질문드립니다

... the pandemic. 구조분석 부탁드립니다~~ with the first to be immunised... the pandemic. 전명구 도움되셨으면 채택부탁드립니다. 1:1 질문 및...


영어 해석좀 부탁드립니다.

... What is a pandemic? A pandemic is an epidemic that has spread to several... An epidemic can develop into a pandemic very quickly. For example, in 2003, the SARS...


영어 문법 질문이요!

... coronavirus pandemic. Seoul Learn aims to provide underprivileged students... coronavirus pandemic. 1. 타동사 stressed의 목적어절을 이끄는...


영어 문법

... Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's race has been rescheduled from May to... COVID-19 pandemic, this year's race has been rescheduled from May to September....

태그: 영어문법, 영어, 영어공부

영어 구문분석 부탁드립니다

Job losses triggered by the coronavirus pandemic will hurt some parts of the UK more than... coronavirus pandemic 과거분사구 (주어수식) : 코로라로 촉발 된 will hurt...


한국어로 번역 부탁드려요

... 감사합니다 Well the pandemic has adversely affected everybody, as rich and poor... Well the pandemic has adversely affected everybody, as rich and poor alike, but none...

태그: 번역, 영어번역, 한국어번역

영어 작문 문법질문

Since covid-19 pandemic started, I studied alone at home. Studying alone seems... Since the covid-19 pandemic started, I studied alone at home. Studying alone...

태그: 영어작문, 영어작문문법, 영어

1900년 미국인구, 2023년 미국인구

... gov/newsroom/press-releases/2023/population-trends-return-to-pre-pandemic-norms.html)...

태그: 문제풀이

한국어로 번역 부탁드려요

... the pandemic, causing a national shortage. Bus operators are threatening to... the pandemic, causing a national shortage. 의료당국에 따르면 팬데믹이...

태그: 번역, 한국어번역

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