nieces Qna 관련 답변 11 페이지


몇 문장 영작좀 해주세요!!

... All my siblings except my 3rd sister and me got married, so I have 6 nephews and nieces. 한마디로 대가족이다. We are large family. 아이들 때문에 명절 때마다 집안이...


설날에대한 영어작문부탁드려요ㅠㅠ몇줄...

... 조카들이랑 놀아줬어 I played with my nieces. 근데 지금은 얼굴에 여드름 하나 나서 신경쓰여 설날에 많이 피곤해서 그런가봐~ Now I have acne on my face....


프리즌 브레이크에 도미닉 퍼셀

... Has two nieces named Claudia and Eilisha (Marie-Therese's daughters). Son-in-law of David Williamson. 별다른 내용 없네요 이부분은... 더 많은 사진과...


시 영어 번역 부탁드립니다 내공 100

... My nieces and nephews. Don't pick up that magpie's lunch. I'm gonna hang a couple of shoes on the Malcuji in the Sarangbang. Didn't Grandpa walk through the grave? Some of the...

태그: 번역부탁드립니다


... Nieces, uncles, cousins also went along. Oegatjip go on for a long time I feel good.... Nieces and cousins hit the tent. Going into the valley the wind blowing a lot of fun playing...


15분 남았어요!!해석좀부탁드려요

... Old geese young geese grandma,uncles,cousin and nieces. 헨리는 연못이 그를 첫째로 울어 그에 의하여 주변에 돌고 절반이 그의 겨울 외투 전면...


생활영어 간단하게 영작부탁드립니다..ㅠㅠ

... After I cleaned the house and separated the trash, I've consumed some time with my nieces. And then, I've had plenty of rest on that day while I was working on 프라(?) model which is my...


영어일기 좀 도와주세요!!! 내공 70겁니다!!

... My two nieces (혹은 nephews) are at my home playing. 조용히 제야의 종소리를... Therefore, we have to look after the nieces/nephews. Since they are still babies, it's really...


고수님들 해석 부탁 드려요~!! 내공...

... Mothers and sisters, grandmothers and nieces all helped to raise the children and to carry out daily tasks, including housework, trading, and farming activities. As the...


영어회화 숙제를 했는데요. 영작한것좀...

... My sister came over last Sature with her husband and kids.Oh my god, my nieces are so... And we went out to park around the house, I was rollerskating with my nieces. My sister and brother...


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