scarcely Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

토익 문법 문제

... I scarcely thought that we would undermine ourselves. (scarcely로 시작하여) 9. He didn’t only give... I scarcely thought that we would undermine ourselves....

태그: 토익문법, 토익rc, 토익문제

영어 도치 질문이요

... she had hardely/scarcely seen me before/when she ran away. - [Hardly /scarcely] had she seen me [before/when] she ran away (o) -[Hardly /scarcely] did she see me [before/when]...


부정부사 few와 little

... hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom은 일반동사 앞에, be동사와 조동사 뒤에... 그리고 few와 little은 문장에서 맨 앞에 주로 쓰이고 나머지 hardly, scarcely, rarely...


영어 문법

in New York, 20,000 a year is scarcely enough money to libe on. 이 문장에서 scarcely가 부사이기때문에 안되고... 부사 scarcely가 와야 합니다. ● libe on은 live...


프랑켄슈타인 해석 부탁드려요

... I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine. And rage the likes... I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine. And rage the likes of...

태그: 영어해석, 번역, 프랑켄슈타인, 영어독해


... can scarcely be thought of apart. 여기서 be thought of는 왜 맞나요? think of... can scarcely be thought of apart. 여기서 be thought of는 왜 맞나요? think of...

태그: 영어문법

영어 어휘 질문

... Barely의 뜻이 간신히로 사용 될 때가 있는데 이때 hardly와 Scarcely와도... Hardly는 barely 대신해서 쓸 수 있는데 scarcely는 의미가 달라요. Scarcely는 경우에...

태그: 영어, 영어어휘

영어 문장구조 질문

For I am well aware that scarcely a single point is discussed in this volume on which facts... * For I / am well aware / [that scarcely a single point is discussed in this volume on...

태그: 영어문법

be 동사 뒤에 부사 질문이요

the red man was pushed further west until there was scarcely enough room for him in a land that... the red man was pushed further west until there was scarcely enough room for him in a land...


No sooner had he sta

... =Hardly[Scarcely] had he started when it began to rain. 이 두 문장에서 no sooner, hardly, scarcely는 모두 부정어인가요? no sooner, hardly, scarcely는...


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