supposition Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


supposition, assumption 두 단어...

... 반면에 supposition 은 일단 화자가 사실이라고 생각하지 않는 내용을 상상(imagine)해 보는 것입니다. 아내와 딸이 물에 빠진다면 suppose both your wife and your...


supposition과 presupposition의 차이

... As nouns the difference between presupposition and supposition is that presupposition... a preliminary conjecture or speculation while supposition is something that is supposed;...


Backing up the supposition

Backing up the supposition is a monumental West German prospective study by Dr. Peter Gremer and his associates in the department of clinical chemistry, University of...


Several English Questions 84 [내공 200]

... the supposition that racism had waned enough to discard it. [ ] 해석이...... the supposition that racism had waned enough to discard it. Shelby County v Holder...


영어 작문 한 것 틀린거 수정 부탁 질문...

... i opposed the supposition 나는 그 추정을 반대했다. your impudence is took the... i opposed the supposition 나는 그 추정을 반대했다. your impudence is took...



Backing up the supposition is a monumental West German prospective study by Dr. Peter... Backing up the supposition is a monumental West German prospective study by Dr....


(내공100)독해 문제 질문드립니다.

... his supposition was correct. ((((That)))) instead was Dr. Sarachik, 87, now... "That" refers to "first to show that his supposition was correct," from the...

태그: 영어독해, 영어문법, 독해, 문법, 영어문제풀이, 영문법문제, 영어문제, 영어문법문제, 영어독해도와주세요

프랑스어 표현 - deviner / supposer

... suppoer 의 명사형은 supposition 인데, deviner 도... suppoer 의 명사형은 supposition 인데, deviner 도 명사형... 그런데 supposition 은 명사이면서도 동사의 의미를...


영어 해석좀 해주세요~ 내공있음

... presumption, supposition or intention. When the subject is first-person sigular("I... presumption, supposition or intention. 이는 어구 말미에 붙여...


영어해석 한문단

... unfavourable supposition for the accused, that the accused had printed... unfavourable supposition for the accused, that the accused had printed counterfeit bank...


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