he has Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

He has gone out. 의 out 에 대해 질문

He has gone out. 의 out 에 대해 질문 합니다. He has gone out. 에서 out 은 전치사 인가요? 부사인가요? 궁금해서 질문 합니다. 부사입니다


He has a seven years old son.

... He has a seven-year-old son.과 뭐가 다른가요 He has a seven years old son. 왜 안되는 건가요? He has a seven-year-old son.과 뭐가 다른가요...


he has to make sure they do no

He has to make sure they do not get cold or lost on the big ranch. 자연스럽게 해석해주시고 lost가 do not에 연결돼서 lose로 쓰여야하는게 아닌가요?? 그리고 cold를...

태그: 영어, 해석, 번역, 틀림, 잘못

I can tell he has got a lot of...

... 이 문장에서 I can tell he has a lot of potential I can tell he got a lot of potential 이런식은 틀리나요? 문법적으로 have got 이 어떤 종류인지 궁금합니다...

태그: 영어문법

he has made more mon

he has made more money from endorsements than he ever did playing basketball. endorsement: 광고 다음 문장에서 did는 대동사인 것 같은데 did의 의미를 made money라고...

태그: 영어문법, 고등영어, 고등영어문법

He has consigned her

He has consigned her to that role. 문장 형식좀 알려주세요 질문 He (주어)has consigned (동사)her(목적어) to that role(전치사구). =>3형식문장입니다 문장...


He has finished his homework,

He has finished his homework, so now he is going to play some games. 여기서 '지금 막' 숙제를 끝냈다는 현재를 강조하기 위해서 현재완료 용법을 쓴건가요?...


he has been a symbol

he has been a symbol of strong and power. it reached an attitude of over 4kilometers, flying for about one hour. 각각 문장 에서 문법 틀린거 있으면...


He has finished the

He has finished the work just now 이 문장이 현재완료를 쓰면 안되는 이유를 알려주세요 뚜렷한 과거의 의미가 없지 않나요?? ㅠㅠ just now를 과거로...


he has died

... 문제집에서 비문이고 he has been dead로 고쳐야 된다고 본거같은데 친구가 계속 방금 죽은 거면 he has died 옛날에 죽은 거면 he has been dead라고.....


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