gene silencing in plants using artificial micrornas and other small rnas Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

rnai에 대한 문장 번역 부탁드립니다.

... endogenous gene expression. In plants, RNAi can be set in motion by genomically encoded short regulatory RNAs known as microRNAs. In algae, worms and files...


해석해줴요 추가내공 드릴꼐요

... Many more such small RNAs surely await discovery. These RNA signals, by finding targets on other RNAs, DNA and proteins, could influence a cell's genetic program in...


생물관련 해석좀 해주세요 ㅠㅠ

... functional RNAs; others contain regulatory sequences that control transcription and mRNA processing. 13.Introns also allow exons of a gene to be joined in different...


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... sugary gene in maize, an agronomic crop, increases its value enough to warrant using more intensive cultural... interest in plants and gardening, an interest that...


논문 번역 좀 도와주세요 ㅜ ㅠ

... For cellular uptake study using flow cytometry, HeLa... excitation) and a band-pass filter of 505–530 nm. 2.10. In vitro endogenous gene silencing The...


해석부탁드립니다 내공100

... in reproductive technologies, including artificial... SNP gene chips for association analyses (see Glossary) are under development in chickens, pigs and other...


국제고 준비하는 중3입니다

... of artificial light and noise. And we find wild mixtures of plants and animals from all over the world that live in the city, because they have escaped...

태그: 국제고, 국제고영어, 난이도, 공부, 국제고진학


... duplex RNAs, termed small interfering RNA, or... successful silencing has been achieved using the... errors in the gene and possible polymorphisms....


논문 번역 해주실분...(내공많이))

... RBS, silencing translation of the mRNA; however... with artificial substrates113. RocC, a FinO- like... and RocR sRNAs, respectively110,114. In other...

태그: 논문해석, 논문번역, 생명과학, 논문, 번역, 영어, 번역가

번역좀 해 주세요.. 제발 ..내공 있는...

... of plants and leaves for efficient light interception is very important. In varieties that have large... Artificial hand pollinations are made by plant breeders in...


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