WAS Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


... 동사앞 was를 븥이는지 모르겠습니다 예시로어떨때는 while l was watching tv,~~~ after l turned the light... l was watching tv,~~~after l turned the light,~~ 에서 while...

태그: 분사구문, was, 구분, 중3, 영어, 영어문법

has와was의 차이

has 와 was의 차이를 알려주세요! has : 갖다 was : ~이었다

태그: 영어문법, has, was

메타 온라인 인지도 어워드 프로모션

... which was set-up as a promotional strategy to promote the use of Meta Social Network App.... It is also imperative to know that I was assigned as your claim agent consultant officer...

태그: Meta, Online, Recognition, Award, Promo, which, was, set, up, as

문장 맨앞에 오는 Did와 Was 구별

수동태 부분에서 의문문으로 쓰일때 문장앞에 Was... 수동태 부분에서 의문문으로 쓰일때 문장앞에 Was... => 뒤에 오는 동사의 형태에 따라 Was를 쓸 것인가...

태그: 영어, 문법, was, do, did, does

were이랑 was 오ㅐ 없어지나요

... 2.The building was here since 1984.-(바르게 고치기)- The building has been here since 1984. 여기에서 were이랑 was... ------------------------ 여기서 was를 쓰면, 그 건물이...

태그: 영어문법, 영어, was, 영어공부, 영어문제


Was were은 언제 쓰고 did는 언제 쓰는건가요…ㅠㅠ 알려주세요..ㅠㅠ정확히요..ㅠㅠ was/were 은 be 동사의 과거형입니다. Im a student I was a student...

태그: Was, were, Did

애플뮤직 “when I was young“

안틀어지는대 뭐죠 아마 회색깔 되고 안 눌러지고 해당국가에서 뭐시기 나오면 판권 구매기간? 다 되서 그런걸로 알아요

태그: 애플뮤직, When, i, was, young

영어 도와주세요!

... This house [was built] 100 years ago. 2. Soccer [is... Why [was the email sent] to~ 4. ~ where movies [are made]... 7. ~ but nothing [was stolen]. 8. Wnen was the bicycle invented?

태그: 영어, is, done, was, grammar

영어 도와주세요!

잘 모르겠어요..ㅜㅜ was were did가 섞여서 너무 헷갈려요.. broke did you see was wearing did you do was sleeping lost did you get climbed

태그: 영어, 문법, 과거분사, did, were, was

is와 was의 차이 알려주세요!!

be동사 is와 was의 차이가 궁금해요 만약에 문장이 과거형이면 He is bought, 또는 He was bought라고 하잖아요. is는 현재형이고, was는 과거형이라는 것도 잘 알아요....

태그: 영어, 문법, is, was

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