단문독해 Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

천일문 교재 질문

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태그: 영어공부, 영어시험, 영어교재, 영어교재추천, 천일문, 구문독해, 단문독해, 빠바, 빠바구문독해

동그라미 친부분!!!!!

해설은 ~~ 동물이 식수를 찾아 그곳으로 이끌려갔기 때문이다. 라는데 그럼 were drawn이 이끌리게 되다 뭐 이런뜻인가요?? drawn은 draw의 과거분사형으로, draw는 ’...

태그: 영어, 영어단어, 영어해설, 영어해석, 텝스, 단문독해, 독해, 단어, 문법

영어 단문독해

The young Newton proved to be totally inadequate at farming. Instead of paying attention to his duties, he would read or daydream or make wooden models. His mother at last...

태그: 영어, 단문독해, 번역기금지

영어 단문독해

He knows now that there are, in the air he breathes every day, sounds that his ears cannot discern, listen as he may, and lights that his eyes cannot distinguish, strain them...

태그: 영어, 단문독해, 번역기금지

영어 단문독해

When she had gone Macbeth looked with horror at his red hands. "Will all the water in the ocean wash this blood from my hands?" he muttered, and , after a pause, sadly...

태그: 영어, 단문독해, 번역기금지

영어 단문독해

When people live in a community they cannot do exactly as they please. Motorists, for exmple, cannot drive wherever they like without creating disorder; neither can men kill nor rob whomever...

태그: 영어, 단문독해, 번역기금지


Looking back, I infer that there must have been something in me a little superior to the common run of youths; otherwise the above-mentioned men, so much older than me and higher...

태그: 영어, 해석, 단문독해, 번역기금지, 정확히아는분만

영어 단문독해

Man does not live by bread alone , but neither does he live by taking thought alone. I love to think, and talk and feel, but cannot forget I have hands which clamor to be put to...

태그: 영어, 단문독해, 번역기금지

영어단문독해 (해석)

A child that always receives sympathy will continue to cry over little troubles; the ordinary self-control of the average adult is achieved only through knowledge that no...

태그: 영어, 단문독해, 번역기금지

영어단문독해 (해석)

I once met a woman (who, having been left with fortune, said that she would never feel till she had got rid of her property). Possessions, she maintained, made one a slave, and...

태그: 영어, 단문독해, 해석, 번역기금지

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