수술과정 자세히 해석좀 해주세요 !! 내공드릴게요 ☘️

수술과정 자세히 해석좀 해주세요 !! 내공드릴게요 ☘️

작성일 2024.05.22댓글 0건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

OBGY 수술과정
under the adequate general anesthesia, the patient was placed on the OP. table with litho tomy position

Routine sterile preparation and drap was done as usual method

Incision was made at the lower him of the umbilicus and then verres needle was insertes, after inflation of abdomen with CO2 gas, Trochar was inserted at that site
After insertion of telescope, another tro oners were inserted at the lower abdomen as usual method
The gross finding was same as above description
Laparoscopie Right salpingo - oophorectomy was done as usual method
suction and irrigation was done as usual method

trochals were all removed after removing of Co2 gas,
Subcutaneous suture was done with 2-0
chromic. and skin was sutured with 3-0 onylon.
The patient was well tolerable to above all procedure and carried room with good condition
extirpation of adnexal tumor-benign

1. Ulteus: N-S
1. Lt. Ovary = both tubes : N-S
2. Rt. Ovary: large than goose egg sized mass
3. Letained blood - clots (-)
4. Cul de sac : N-S
5. adhesion (-)
6. EBC: 20cc
sponge correct: yes
특이사항: 무

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