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작성일 2010.11.22댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

이것 좀 요약 해주세요;;; 한 8줄에서 10줄이면 됩니다;;; 부탁드려요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
<모르겠어요, 알아서 하세요, 내공 냠냠 등등의 글들 신고합니다>

English teachers look to change their image

One of Korea’s biggest foreign English teacher associations is taking an enlightened approach against the fight on mandatory HIV testing by correcting, rather than complaining about, the public’s image of English teachers as promiscuous party animals.

Required HIV testing for visas, one that many slam as discriminatory, has been implemented by the government since 2007. As of now, testing remains for E-2 visas. 

National Communications Officer Rob Ouwehand of the Association of Teachers of English in Korea believes that the regulatory testing stems from both the fear of English teachers and HIV, both of which can be cured with knowledge.

In an interview with The Korea Herald, Ouwehand explained that rather than criticize the ministries and third party organizations involved, they look to themselves to polish the tarnished image of foreign English teachers.

“ATEK prefers taking a problem-solving approach to that kind of a question, where rather than complaining about some perceived injustice, why don’t we get to work on improving the reputation of English teachers in Korea, by going out into the community and doing good stuff.”

And knowledge of English teachers is exactly what the association plans to distribute through several positive means which includes building internal pressure, connecting with Korean English teachers and rebuilding the Korean public’s view of foreign teachers.

To reconnect with the public, Ouwehand believes they need to put themselves out there, swapping scary thoughts of English teachers with positive images.

The perceived reputation of foreign English teachers in Korea, fueled by the Anti-English Spectrum group and perpetuated by the media, had long been one of drinking, drug abuse, sexual promiscuity and disease.

It is speculated that the efforts of the vigilante group helped push the ministry’s institutionalization of the testing in 2007.

“It’s not so much English teachers, it’s the idea of English teachers,” he said.

“When English teachers go out into the community and volunteer, collect clothes for poor kids and volunteer English lessons at the orphanage nearby, than instead of being that kind of faceless, scary, English teacher, it humanizes us and by contributing to Korean society and saying we’re not here just to drink and party and take our money and go home. We’re part of Korean society, and we want to be responsible members and contributors to Korean society.”

To further achieve this, the organization is looking within to encourage members to behave responsibly “act with integrity and professionalism and contribute to our communities,” said Ouwehand.

According to Ouwehand, president of the association Oh Jae-hee is planning on connecting with Korean English teachers, believing the relationship could benefit both.

“If we get a lot of Korean English teachers in our network that’ll give us the tools to enter those discussions in a powerful way,” he said.

One of which is simply breaking through the language barrier.

ATEK is also looking to educate members and the public, about what HIV really is.

“I think the one thing that we can do is to work together with parent’s groups who might be asking for those kinds of testing, and maybe work together with the education offices.”

He mentioned that the organization has many officers who are very knowledgeable about HIV. According to Ouwehand, one member worked for 20 years in the area of HIV at a health center in the U.S.

“The Korean government has already been working hard to promote the idea that Korea is a multicultural country and as they promote the idea that we can live together and understand each other, once again, that’s building the knowledge that will replace fear,” said Ouwehand.

“ATEK agrees that teaching is a really intimate relationship. The teacher-student relationship requires a lot of trust and respect, fortunately HIV and AIDS has never been transmitted through trust and respect.”

HIV cannot be transmitted through saliva, tears, sweat or casual contact.

ATEK has roughly 1,300 members, and associate membership is available to anyone. Those that legally teach English may become a general member.

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영어 교사들은 이미지를 바꾸려고 보세요.

Ouwehand, 오, 유 - 희는 양측 모두에게 이득의 관계를 믿는, 한국어, 영어 교사와 연결할 계획이다 협회의 회장에 따르면.

"우리가 우리에게 강력한 방법으로 이러한 논의를 입력할 수있는 도구를주지 Google 네트워크의 한국어 영어 교사를 많이 받으면"고 말했다.

중 하나는 단순히 언어의 장벽을 이룹니다.

ATEK 또한 에이즈는 정말 것에 대해 회원 및 일반 대중, 교육을 찾고 있습니다.

"나는 그런 종류의 테스트 요청있을 부모의 그룹과 함께 작동하도록지도 교육 기관과 함께 작품이다 우리가 할 수있는 한 가지 생각합니다."

그는 조직은 매우 에이즈에 대한 지식이 많은 임원을했다고 언급했다. Ouwehand에 따르면, 한 회원은 미국의 보건 센터에서 에이즈의 영역에서 20 년간 근무

"한국 정부는 이미 한국은 다문화 국가이고 그들은 우리가 함께 살 수 있고 서로를 이해, 다시 한번 공포를 대체하게됩니다 지식을 건물의 그 아이디어를 홍보로 아이디어를 촉진 위해 최선을 다하고있다"Ouwehand했다 .

"ATEK 그 가르침은 정말 친밀한 관계는 동의합니다. 선생과 학생 관계는 다행히도, HIV를 신뢰와 존경심을 필요로 에이즈는 신뢰와 존중을 통해 전송된 적이있다. "

에이즈는 타액, 눈물, 땀 또는 캐주얼 접촉을 통해 전염 수 없습니다.

ATEK는 약 1300 명의 회원을 가지고 동료 회원은 누구나 사용할 수 있습니다. 그 합법적으로 영어를 가르치는 자들은 일반 회원이 될 수 있습니다.
제발 답변확정 부탁 좀 빼 먹었어요

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