정규분포그래프의 특징과 적용되는 사례

정규분포그래프의 특징과 적용되는 사례

작성일 2006.06.13댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

정규 분포그래프가 ..종모양을 하고 있고,


좌우 치우치거나 우로 치우치는경우 또 중립인 경우가 있는데


어떤 경우에 그런지 알고 싶고요. 또  적용되는 사례를 알고싶어요 ^^




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정규 분포그래프가 ..종모양을 하고 있고,

좌우 치우치거나 우로 치우치는경우 또 중립인 경우가 있는데

어떤 경우에 그런지 알고 싶고요. 또  적용되는 사례를 알고싶어요 ^^


정규분포는 평균과 표준편차에 따라서 그래프 모양이 결정됩니다.  좀 더 정확히는 평균이 m인 정규분포의 그래프는 x=m에 대해서 대칭이 되고 표준편차가 커지면 커질 수록 종의 높이가 낮아 집니다. 이것은 표준편차가 작을 수록 평균에 많은 값들이 모여있음을 의미합니다.


신장()의 분포, 지능()의 분포 등 그 예는 많다. K.F.가우스가 측정오차의 분포에서 그 중요성을 강조하였기 때문에 이것을 가우스분포·오차분포라고도 하며, 그 곡선을 가우스곡선 또는 오차곡선이라 한다.

또한 A.J.케틀레가 통계에 이용하였으므로 이것을 케틀레곡선이라고도 한다.이 곡선의 함수는


로 된다. 여기서 m은 평균값,σ는 표준편차이므로, 정규분포는 평균값 m과 분산 σ2으로써 결정된다. 변수 x를 t=(x-m)/σ에 의하여 t로 변환하여


를 만들면 (t)=σf(x)로 된다. (t)는 m=0, σ=1인 정규분포이므로, 이 분포의 수치표를 만들면 그것에 의해서 여러 가지 m과 σ에 대한 f(x)의 수치를 구할 수가 있다.[그림]과 같이 곡선은 x=m에서 최대이고 m에서 멀어짐에 따라 하강하여 x=m±σ인 데에서 변곡()한다. 즉, 아래쪽으로의 오목이 위쪽으로 오목으로 변하게 된다.

또한 m에서 한없이 멀어짐에 따라 x축으로 한없이 접근한다. 분포곡선과 x축으로 둘러싸는 넓이가 전도수()를 나타낸다. f(x)나 (t)에서는 x나 t를 확률변수로 하고 있으므로, 넓이는 1로 된다. [그림]에서와 같이 그 넓이는 x±m의 범위 내에서는 68.3%, m±2σ의 범위 내에서는 95.5%, m±3σ의 범위 내에서는 99.7%로 된다.

한편 2개의 확률변수 x1,x2가 독립이고, 각각 m112 및 m222의 평균값과 분산을 가지는 정규분포일 때, 변수 x1+x2는 평균값 m1+m2, 분산 σ12+σ22의 정규분포가 된다. 이 사실로부터 중심극한정리()의 특별한 경우인 ‘n개의 표본을 몇 개의 조()로 생각할 때, 그 평균값의 분포는 n을 크게 함으로써 자연히 평균값 m, 분산σ2/n인 정규분포에 한없이 접근한다. m과 σ2은 각각 모집단의 평균값과 분산으로 된다’라는 사실이 성립한다. 수리통계에서 이 정리는 매우 중요하다.



Normal distribution

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Probability density function

The green line is the standard normal distribution
Cumulative distribution function

Colors match the image above
Parameters μ location (real)
σ2 > 0 squared scale (real)
Probability density function (pdf)
Cumulative distribution function (cdf)
Mean μ
Median μ
Mode μ
Variance σ2
Skewness 0
Kurtosis 0
Char. func.

The normal distribution, also called Gaussian distribution, is an extremely important probability distribution in many fields. It is a family of distributions of the same general form, differing in their location and scale parameters: the mean ("average") and standard deviation ("variability"), respectively. The standard normal distribution is the normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one (the green curves in the plots to the right). It is often called the bell curve because the graph of its probability density resembles a bell.



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The normal distribution is a convenient model of quantitative phenomena in the natural and behavioral sciences. A variety of psychological test scores and physical phenomena like photon counts have been found to approximately follow a normal distribution. While the underlying causes of these phenomena are often unknown, the use of the normal distribution can be theoretically justified in situations where many small effects are added together into a score or variable that can be observed. The normal distribution also arises in many areas of statistics: for example, the sampling distribution of the mean is approximately normal, even if the distribution of the population the sample is taken from is not normal. In addition, the normal distribution maximizes information entropy among all distributions with known mean and variance, which makes it the natural choice of underlying distribution for data summarized in terms of sample mean and variance. The normal distribution is the most widely used family of distributions in statistics and many statistical tests are based on the assumption of normality. In probability theory, normal distributions arise as the limiting distributions of several continuous and discrete families of distributions.


The normal distribution was first introduced by Abraham de Moivre in an article in 1734 (reprinted in the second edition of his The Doctrine of Chances, 1738) in the context of approximating certain binomial distributions for large n. His result was extended by Laplace in his book Analytical Theory of Probabilities (1812), and is now called the theorem of de Moivre-Laplace.

Laplace used the normal distribution in the analysis of errors of experiments. The important method of least squares was introduced by Legendre in 1805. Gauss, who claimed to have used the method since 1794, justified it rigorously in 1809 by assuming a normal distribution of the errors.

The name "bell curve" goes back to Jouffret who first used the term "bell surface" in 1872 for a bivariate normal with independent components. The name "normal distribution" was coined independently by Charles S. Peirce, Francis Galton and Wilhelm Lexis around 1875. This terminology is unfortunate, since it reflects and encourages the fallacy that many or all probability distributions are "normal". (See the discussion of "occurrence" below.)

That the distribution is called the normal or Gaussian distribution is an instance of Stigler's law of eponymy: "No scientific discovery is named after its original discoverer."

Specification of the normal distribution

There are various ways to specify a random variable. The most visual is the probability density function (plot at the top), which represents how likely each value of the random variable is. The cumulative distribution function is a conceptually cleaner way to specify the same information, but to the untrained eye its plot is much less informative (see below). Equivalent ways to specify the normal distribution are: the moments, the cumulants, the characteristic function, the moment-generating function, and the cumulant-generating function. Some of these are very useful for theoretical work, but not intuitive. See probability distribution for a discussion.

All of the cumulants of the normal distribution are zero, except the first two.

Probability density function

Probability density function for 4 different parameter sets (green line is the standard normal)

The probability density function of the normal distribution with mean μ and variance σ2 (equivalently, standard deviation σ) is an example of a Gaussian function,

(See also exponential function and pi.)

If a random variable X has this distribution, we write X ~ N(μ,σ2). If μ = 0 and σ = 1, the distribution is called the standard normal distribution and the probability density function reduces to

The image to the right gives the graph of the probability density function of the normal distribution for various parameter values.

Some notable qualities of the normal distribution:

  • The density function is symmetric about its mean value.
  • The mean is also its mode and median.
  • 68.26894921371% of the area under the curve is within one standard deviation of the mean.
  • 95.44997361036% of the area is within two standard deviations.
  • 99.73002039367% of the area is within three standard deviations.
  • 99.99366575163% of the area is within four standard deviations.
  • 99.99994266969% of the area is within five standard deviations.
  • 99.99999980268% of the area is within six standard deviations.
  • 99.99999999974% of the area is within seven standard deviations.

The inflection points of the curve occur at one standard deviation away from the mean.

Cumulative distribution function

Cumulative distribution function of the above pdf

The cumulative distribution function (cdf) is defined as the probability that a variable X has a value less than or equal to x, and it is expressed in terms of the density function as

The standard normal cdf, conventionally denoted Φ, is just the general cdf evaluated with μ = 0 and σ = 1,

The standard normal cdf can be expressed in terms of a special function called the error function, as

The inverse cumulative distribution function, or quantile function, can be expressed in terms of the inverse error function:

This quantile function is sometimes called the probit function. There is no elementary primitive for the probit function. This is not to say merely that none is known, but rather that the non-existence of such a function has been proved.

Values of Φ(x) may be approximated very accurately by a variety of methods, such as numerical integration, Taylor series, or asymptotic series.

Generating functions

Moment generating function

The moment generating function is defined as the expected value of exp(tX). For a normal distribution, it can be shown that the moment generating function is


as can be seen by completing the square in the exponent.

Characteristic function

The characteristic function is defined as the expected value of exp(itX), where i is the imaginary unit. For a normal distribution, the characteristic function is


The characteristic function is obtained by replacing t with it in the moment-generating function.


Some of the properties of the normal distribution:

  1. If and a and b are real numbers, then (see expected value and variance).
  2. If and are independent normal random variables, then:
    • Their sum is normally distributed with (proof).
    • Their difference is normally distributed with .
    • Both U and V are independent of each other.
  3. If and are independent normal random variables, then:
  4. If are independent standard normal variables, then has a chi-square distribution with n degrees of freedom.

Standardizing normal random variables

As a consequence of Property 1, it is possible to relate all normal random variables to the standard normal.

If X ~ N(μ,σ2), then

is a standard normal random variable: Z ~ N(0,1). An important consequence is that the cdf of a general normal distribution is therefore

Conversely, if Z ~ N(0,1), then

X = σZ + μ

is a normal random variable with mean μ and variance σ2.

The standard normal distribution has been tabulated, and the other normal distributions are simple transformations of the standard one. Therefore, one can use tabulated values of the cdf of the standard normal distribution to find values of the cdf of a general normal distribution.


Some of the first few moments of the normal distribution are:

Number Raw moment Central moment Cumulant
0 1 0
1 μ 0 μ
2 μ2 + σ2 σ2 σ2
3 μ3 + 3μσ2 0 0
4 μ4 + 6μ2σ2 + 3σ4 4 0

All of cumulants of the normal distribution beyond the second cumulant are zero.

Generating normal random variables

For computer simulations, it is often useful to generate values that have a normal distribution. There are several methods and the most basic is to invert the standard normal cdf. More efficient methods are also known, one such method being the Box-Muller transform.

The Box-Muller transform takes two uniformly distributed values as input and maps them to two normally distributed values. This requires generating values from a uniform distribution, for which many methods are known. See also random number generators.

The Box-Muller transform is a consequence of the fact that the chi-square distribution with two degrees of freedom (see property 4 above) is an easily-generated exponential random variable.

The central limit theorem

Plot of the pdf of a normal distribution with μ = 12 and σ = 3, approximating the pmf of a binomial distribution with n = 48 and p = 1/4

The normal distribution has the very important property that under certain conditions, the distribution of a sum of a large number of independent variables is approximately normal. This is the central limit theorem.

The practical importance of the central limit theorem is that the normal distribution can be used as an approximation to some other distributions.

  • A binomial distribution with parameters n and p is approximately normal for large n and p not too close to 1 or 0 (some books recommend using this approximation only if np and n(1 − p) are both at least 5; in this case, a continuity correction should be applied).

The approximating normal distribution has mean μ = np and variance σ2 = np(1 − p).

The approximating normal distribution has mean μ = λ and variance σ2 = λ.

Whether these approximations are sufficiently accurate depends on the purpose for which they are needed, and the rate of convergence to the normal distribution. It is typically the case that such approximations are less accurate in the tails of the distribution.

Infinite divisibility

The normal distributions are infinitely divisible probability distributions.


The normal distributions are strictly stable probability distributions.

Standard deviation

Dark blue is less than one standard deviation from the mean. For the normal distribution, this accounts for 68% of the set while two standard deviations from the mean (blue and brown) account for 95% and three standard deviations (blue, brown and green) account for 99.7%.

In practice, one often assumes that data are from an approximately normally distributed population. If that assumption is justified, then about 68% of the values are at within 1 standard deviation away from the mean, about 95% of the values are within two standard deviations and about 99.7% lie within 3 standard deviations. This is known as the "68-95-99.7 rule" or the "Empirical Rule".

Normality tests

Normality tests check a given set of data for similarity to the normal distribution. The null hypothesis is that the data set is similar to the normal distribution, therefore a sufficiently small P-value indicates non-normal data.

Related distributions

Estimation of parameters

Maximum likelihood estimation of parameters


are independent and each is normally distributed with expectation μ and variance σ2. In the language of statisticians, the observed values of these random variables make up a "sample from a normally distributed population." It is desired to estimate the "population mean" μ and the "population standard deviation" σ, based on observed values of this sample. The joint probability density function of these random variables is

(Nota bene: Here the proportionality symbol means proportional as a function of μ and σ, not proportional as a function of . That may be considered one of the differences between the statistician's point of view and the probabilist's point of view. The reason this is important will appear below.)

As a function of μ and σ this is the likelihood function

In the method of maximum likelihood, the values of μ and σ that maximize the likelihood function are taken to be estimates of the population parameters μ and σ.

Usually in maximizing a function of two variables one might consider partial derivatives. But here we will exploit the fact that the value of μ that maximizes the likelihood function with σ fixed does not depend on σ. Therefore, we can find that value of μ, then substitute it from μ in the likelihood function, and finally find the value of σ that maximizes the resulting expression.

It is evident that the likelihood function is a decreasing function of the sum

So we want the value of μ that minimizes this sum. Let

be the "sample mean". Observe that

Only the last term depends on μ and it is minimized by

That is the maximum-likelihood estimate of μ. When we substitute that estimate for μ in the likelihood function, we get

It is conventional to denote the "loglikelihood function", i.e., the logarithm of the likelihood function, by a lower-case , and we have

and then

This derivative is positive, zero, or negative according as σ2 is between 0 and

or equal to that quantity, or greater than that quantity.

Consequently this average of squares of residuals is maximum-likelihood estimate of σ2, and its square root is the maximum-likelihood estimate of σ. This estimator is biased, but has a smaller mean squared error than the usual unbiased estimator, which is n/(n − 1) times this estimator.

Surprising generalization

The derivation of the maximum-likelihood estimator of the covariance matrix of a multivariate normal distribution is subtle. It involves the spectral theorem and the reason it can be better to view a scalar as the trace of a 1×1 matrix than as a mere scalar. See estimation of covariance matrices.

Unbiased estimation of parameters

The maximum likelihood estimator of the population mean μ from a sample is an unbiased estimator of the mean, as is the variance when the mean of the population is known a priori. However, if we are faced with a sample and have no knowledge of the mean or the variance of the population from which it is drawn, the unbiased estimator of the variance σ2 is:

This "sample variance" follows a Gamma distribution if all X are independent identically distributed (iid):


Approximately normal distributions occur in many situations, as a result of the central limit theorem. When there is reason to suspect the presence of a large number of small effects acting additively and independently, it is reasonable to assume that observations will be normal. There are statistical methods to empirically test that assumption, for example the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.

Effects can also act as multiplicative (rather than additive) modifications. In that case, the assumption of normality is not justified, and it is the logarithm of the variable of interest that is normally distributed. The distribution of the directly observed variable is then called log-normal.

Finally, if there is a single external influence which has a large effect on the variable under consideration, the assumption of normality is not justified either. This is true even if, when the external variable is held constant, the resulting marginal distributions are indeed normal. The full distribution will be a superposition of normal variables, which is not in general normal. This is related to the theory of errors (see below).

To summarize, here is a list of situations where approximate normality is sometimes assumed. For a fuller discussion, see below.

  • In counting problems (so the central limit theorem includes a discrete-to-continuum approximation) where reproductive random variables are involved, such as
  • In physiological measurements of biological specimens:
    • The logarithm of measures of size of living tissue (length, height, skin area, weight);
    • The length of inert appendages (hair, claws, nails, teeth) of biological specimens, in the direction of growth; presumably the thickness of tree bark also falls under this category;
    • Other physiological measures may be normally distributed, but there is no reason to expect that a priori;
  • Measurement errors are often assumed to be normally distributed, and any deviation from normality is considered something which should be explained;
  • Financial variables
    • Changes in the logarithm of exchange rates, price indices, and stock market indices; these variables behave like compound interest, not like simple interest, and so are multiplicative;
    • Other financial variables may be normally distributed, but there is no reason to expect that a priori;
  • Light intensity
    • The intensity of laser light is normally distributed;
    • Thermal light has a Bose-Einstein distribution on very short time scales, and a normal distribution on longer timescales due to the central limit theorem.

Of relevance to biology and economics is the fact that complex systems tend to display power laws rather than normality.

Photon counting

Light intensity from a single source varies with time, as thermal fluctuations can be observed if the light is analyzed at sufficiently high time resolution. The intensity is usually assumed to be normally distributed. Quantum mechanics interprets measurements of light intensity as photon counting. The natural assumption in this setting is the Poisson distribution. When light intensity is integrated over times longer than the coherence time and is large, the Poisson-to-normal limit is appropriate.

Measurement errors

Normality is the central assumption of the mathematical theory of errors. Similarly, in statistical model-fitting, an indicator of goodness of fit is that the residuals (as the errors are called in that setting) be independent and normally distributed. The assumption is that any deviation from normality needs to be explained. In that sense, both in model-fitting and in the theory of errors, normality is the only observation that need not be explained, being expected. However, if the original data are not normally distributed (for instance if they follow a Cauchy distribution), then the residuals will also not be normally distributed. This fact is usually ignored in practice.

Repeated measurements of the same quantity are expected to yield results which are clustered around a particular value. If all major sources of errors have been taken into account, it is assumed that the remaining error must be the result of a large number of very small additive effects, and hence normal. Deviations from normality are interpreted as indications of systematic errors which have not been taken into account. Whether this assumption is valid is debatable.

Physical characteristics of biological specimens

The sizes of full-grown animals is approximately lognormal. The evidence and an explanation based on models of growth was first published in the 1932 book Problems of Relative Growth by Julian Huxley.

However, in the case of human height for example, there are people several standard deviations away from the average who would almost certainly not exist at all among the whole population of the world if height followed a true lognormal distribution.

Differences in size due to sexual dimorphism, or other polymorphisms like the worker/soldier/queen division in social insects, further make the distribution of sizes deviate from lognormality.

The assumption that linear size of biological specimens is normal (rather than lognormal) leads to a non-normal distribution of weight (since weight or volume is roughly proportional to the 2nd or 3rd power of length, and Gaussian distributions are only preserved by linear transformations), and conversely assuming that weight is normal leads to non-normal lengths. This is a problem, because there is no a priori reason why one of length, or body mass, and not the other, should be normally distributed. Lognormal distributions, on the other hand, are preserved by powers so the "problem" goes away if lognormality is assumed.

On the other hand, there are some biological measures where normality is assumed, such as blood pressure of adult humans. This is supposed to be normally distributed, but only after separating males and females into different populations (each of which is normally distributed).

Financial variables

Because of the exponential nature of inflation, financial indicators such as stock values, or commodity prices make good examples of multiplicative behavior. As such, periodic changes in them (for example, yearly changes) should not be expected to be normal, but perhaps lognormal. This was the theory proposed in 1900 by Louis Bachelier. However, Benoît Mandelbrot, the popularizer of fractals, showed that even the assumption of lognormality is flawed--the changes in logarithm over short periods (such as a day) are approximated well by distributions that do not have a finite variance, and therefore the central limit theorem does not apply. Rather, the sum of many such changes gives log-Levy distributions.

Distribution in testing and intelligence

A great deal of confusion exists over whether or not IQ test scores and intelligence are normally distributed.

As a deliberate result of test construction, IQ scores are normally distributed for the majority of the population. But intelligence cannot be said to be normally distributed, simply because it is not a number.

The difficulty and number of questions on an IQ test is decided based on which combinations will yield a normal distribution. This does not mean, however, that the information is in any way being misrepresented, or that there is any kind of "true" distribution that is being artificially forced into the shape of a normal curve. Intelligence tests can be constructed to yield any kind of score distribution desired.

The Bell Curve is a controversial book on the topic of the heritability of intelligence. However, despite its title, the book does not primarily address whether IQ is normally distributed.

See also


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정규분포에 관한 것은 앞에서 가져온 자료와 같이 자세히 나와있지만 분포에 대한 이해를 하는 것은 어려운 것이 아닙니다. 정규분포는 가우시안 분포라고도 불리기도 합니다. 그럼 왜 정규분포에 많은 사람들이 관심을 두고 연구를 하는 가에 대해서부터 이해하는 것이 중요하다고 생각합니다.

확률적으로 분포를 모르는 경우에는 정규분포를 가정합니다. 그 이유는 통계적으로 분포의 특징이 잘 알려져있기때문입니다. 표준정규분포는 평균이 0이고 분산(표준편차)가 1인것을 말하면서 이것은 1차적률과 2차적률에 관한 것입니다. 과거에는 이 두가지만을 가지고 정규성을 검증하였습니다. 예를 들어 주식수익률에서  정규분포를 가정하고 신뢰구간을 정하고 변동성에 따라 여러가지 분석을 실시하였습니다. 하지만 실제 데이터를 가지고 분석한 실증적 분석가들은 이러한 가정이 틀렸다는것은 많은 부분에서 증명하게 되었습니다. 이제부터가 질문에 대답입니다. 말씀하신데로 정규분포보다 실제 분포는 높은 첨도(3이상)와 왜도(+-)를 가지고 있다는 것입니다.

이것은 여러가지 통계툴을 사용하시면 정규성검증을 하실수 있습니다. 그중에 비쥬얼한 그래프는 Q-Q PLOT을 사용해보면 X축을 정규분포로 Y축을 실제분포로 두시고 그리시면 선형적 직선(정규분포) (실제분포의) 양쪽 끝부분에서 S자 모양으로 끝부분을 가지고 있습니다.

내용의 정리가 되지 않았지만  좌우로 치우치는 것은 양 또는 음의 왜도를 가지고 있다는 말입니다.

정규분포에서 peak부분에 해당하는 첨도는 정규분포에서 3을 나타내면 실제분포는 3이상입니다. 주식시장은 보통(10이상)을 가지게 됩니다.


적용되는 사례는 거의 모든분야에서 정규분포라는 가정이 깨어지고 있기 때문에 정확히 말씀드리기는 어렵지만

금융분야에서 찾아보시면 거의 모든 논문과 가설이 정규분포를 가정하고 문제를 풀어갑니다. 하지만 실증적 금융시계열분석에서는 정규분포라는 가정이 틀리고 있고 이것때문에 기존의 논문에서 정규분포가 아닌 경우 VaR(value at risk)의 측정에 대해서 다른 방법을 비모수적 방법이나 몬텔카를로방법을 사용합니다. 자세한것은 VaR에 관한 논문을 한편 최근에 published 된것으로 보시면 확실하게 위의 글이 이해가 되십니다.^^*

정규분포그래프의 특징과 적용되는 사례

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... , 예를들면, '동위각'과 '엇각'이 무엇인지, 어떤 특징을... 알아야 합니다.) 3단계는 '공식을 외우고 문제에 적용'해... 상대도수 상대도수의 분포를 이해하고, 이를 그래프로...

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... , 예를들면, '동위각'과 '엇각'이 무엇인지, 어떤 특징을... 알아야 합니다.) 3단계는 '공식을 외우고 문제에 적용'해... 상대도수 상대도수의 분포를 이해하고, 이를 그래프로...