

작성일 2008.04.01댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

(영어해석기는 사절)



zhang ziyi china's first international movie star. the actress, who recently  starred in memoirs of a geisha, is one of the most famous chinese women in the united states.


she first became known in the west in 2000 when she appeared in crouching tiger, hidden dragon and in 2001, she was included in a list of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. she also adventises fashion and beauty products, so her face is always in newspapers and magazines.


zhang ziyi was born in beijing in 1980. her father is an economist, and her mother teaches at a nursery school. when she was younger she wanted to be a dancer or a gymnast, but when she was 15, she decided she wanted to act


her first acting job was in a television commercial for shampoo. the director of the commercial was a famous film director, andhe liked her so much that he gave her a part in one of his films.


zhang ziyi still prefers to work directors from her homeland rather than with american directors, and she doesn't want to live in hollywood. she thinks that it's not necessary for actresses to live there and that a lot of the films made there are unimagimative

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

zhang ziyi china's first international movie star. the actress, who recently  starred in memoirs of a geisha, is one of the most famous chinese women in the united states. 


중국에서 가장 국제적인 영화배우이자 연기자로 최근 게이샤의 추억에서 열연했던 장쯔이는

미국에서 가장 유명한 중국인 배우이다.


she first became known in the west in 2000 when she appeared in crouching tiger, hidden dragon and in 2001, she was included in a list of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. she also adventises fashion and beauty products, so her face is always in newspapers and magazines.


그녀는 2000년에 와호장룡이란 작품으로 이듬해 세계에서 가장 아름다운 여성 50인에 선정되면서

미국에 처음 이름을 알렸다. 그녀는 패션과 화장품 광고에 참여했고

신문과 잡지에서 항상 그녀를 볼수 있다.


zhang ziyi was born in beijing in 1980. her father is an economist, and her mother teaches at a nursery school. when she was younger she wanted to be a dancer or a gymnast, but when she was 15, she decided she wanted to act


장쯔이는 경제학자인 아버지와 간호학교 선생님인 어머니 사이에 1980년 베이징에서 태어났다.

그녀가 어렸을때 무용가나 체조선수가 되고 싶어했는데 15살 되던 해 연기를 하기로 결정했다.


her first acting job was in a television commercial for shampoo. the director of the commercial was a famous film director, andhe liked her so much that he gave her a part in one of his films.


그녀의 첫작품은 샴푸티비광고였는데 영화감독으로 유명했던 광고감독이 그녀를 너무나 좋아해 

그의 작품의 대역을 주었다.


zhang ziyi still prefers to work directors from her homeland rather than with american directors, and she doesn't want to live in hollywood. she thinks that it's not necessary for actresses to live there and that a lot of the films made there are unimagimative


장쯔이는 아직 미국 보단 중국 감독과의 작품을  선호해 할리우드에 살고 싶어하지 않는다. 그녀는

배우로 할리우드에서 많은 작품을 할 생각이 없어서 그곳에 사는 것에 대한 필요성을 못 느끼고 있다. 


profile_image 익명 작성일 -

zhang ziyi china's first international movie star. the actress, who recently  starred in memoirs of a geisha, is one of the most famous chinese women in the united states.

장즈이는 [게이샤의 추억] 영화에서 등장한 중국의 첫 국제 영화배우이며 미국에서 가장 유명한 중국 여성 중 한명이다.


she first became known in the west in 2000 when she appeared in crouching tiger, hidden dragon and in 2001, she was included in a list of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. she also adventises fashion and beauty products, so her face is always in newspapers and magazines.

그녀가 서양에 알려진 것은 2000년도 영화 [와호장룡]에서와, 2001년에 그녀가 세계의 미녀 50위 내에 들어서 였을 때이다. 그녀는 또한 미용 용품 선전에 많이 등장했으며, 이 때문에 신문과 잡지에서는 그녀의 사진이 많았다.


zhang ziyi was born in beijing in 1980. her father is an economist, and her mother teaches at a nursery school. when she was younger she wanted to be a dancer or a gymnast, but when she was 15, she decided she wanted to act

장즈이는 1980년 북경에서 경제학자인 아버지와 유아원 선생인 어머니 사이에서 태어났다. 어렸을 적 그녀는 무용가나 체조선수가 되고 싶어했으나, 15세가 되고 나서 그녀는 배우의 길을 선택했다.


her first acting job was in a television commercial for shampoo. the director of the commercial was a famous film director, andhe liked her so much that he gave her a part in one of his films.

그녀의 첫 무대는 텔레비전의 샴푸 광고였다. 그 광고의 감독은 유명한 영화감독이였는데, 이 감독은 장즈이가 마음에 들어, 자신이 촬영하는 영화에 출연해줄 것을 부탁한다.


zhang ziyi still prefers to work directors from her homeland rather than with american directors, and she doesn't want to live in hollywood. she thinks that it's not necessary for actresses to live there and that a lot of the films made there are unimagimative

장즈이는 아직까지 미국의 영화 감독 보다는 자신의 조국 출신 영화 감독과 촬영하기를 선호한다. 그녀는 할리우드에서 살기 싫어하며, 오히려 할리우드에서 제작되는 영화들이 상상력이 결여된 영화라 하였으며 배우들이 굳이 할리우드에 거주할 이유가 없다고 생각한다고 했다.


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