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[급구]영어신문해석부탁 !!내공다걸어요 !

작성일 2009.02.12댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

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Iceland's goverment collapses amid financial crisis


Iceland's goverment collapsed on Jan.26 with the ruling coalition resigning.

This came three months after Iceland was hit by a major financial crisis in October.

Its stock market,currency,and several of its major banks collapsed.

The coalition was led by the ruling Independence Party.The ruling party's coalition parther was the Social Democratic Party.The Social Democrats had wanted to depart from the ruling coalition after the nation started to be hit by the financial crisis.After the government's collapse President Olafur Ranger Grimsson allowed the Social Democrats to lead the establishment of a new ruling coalition withe small opposition parties,including the Left Green Party.On Feb.1,the new political coalition formed an interim government to lead the country until general elections to form a new goverment will be held probably in April.The new coalition looks to joining of the European Union and vows to over-haul the central bank to overcome the financial crisis.The new coalition picked former Social Affairs Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir from the Social Democratic Party as their candidate for prime minister.President Grimsson endorsed the nomination.Former Prime Minister Geir Haarde of the Independence Party,who led the ruling coalition that just resigned,announced that he would not seek re-election due to sufferung from cancer-he has a malignant tumor on his esophagus.Street demonstrations have been held regularly since the financial crisis hit.

One of the biggest anti-goverment demonstrations was held on Jan.24with approximately 6,000 새 7,000 people calling for the ruling collation to resign.The Jan.24 protests that week had clashes with riot police who used pepper spray and arrested some protesters.Leaders of the Independence Party and the Social Democrats met on Jan.25 to discuss the future of the goverment right before the goverment collapsed the next day.The financial crisis that hit in October was caused by a number of bank failures.To prevent the tital collapse of the country's financial system the govern-ment nationalized three banks and then appealed for help from the International Monetary Fund.Inflation rose to over 12 per-cent and trading on the Icelandic stock market was banned for almost a week.

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Iceland's goverment collapses amid financial crisis

금융 위기 속 아이슬란드 정부 붕괴.


Iceland's goverment collapsed on Jan.26 with the ruling coalition resigning.
1월 26일 연립여당이 사임함으로써 아이슬란드 정부가 무너졌다.
This came three months after Iceland was hit by a major financial crisis in October.
10월 금융 위기 이후 3개월 만의 일이다.
Its stock market,currency,and several of its major banks collapsed.
주식시장, 환율과 여러 주요은행이 무너졌다.
The coalition was led by the ruling Independence Party.
이 협력은 여당인 독립당의 주도로 이루어졌다.
The ruling party's coalition parther was the Social Democratic Party.
연립여당의 정치인들은 사민당원었다.
The Social Democrats had wanted to depart from the ruling coalition after the nation started to be hit by the financial crisis.
전국이 금융 위기에 타격을 입은 후 사민당은 연정을 하길 원했다.
After the government's collapse President Olafur Ranger Grimsson allowed the Social Democrats to lead the establishment of a new ruling coalition withe small opposition parties,including the Left Green Party.
정부 붕괴 이후 Olafur Ranger Grimsson대통령은 좌파 녹생당을 포함해 사민당에게 새 연립정부 수립을 허용했다.
On Feb.1,the new political coalition formed an interim government to lead the country until general elections to form a new goverment will be held probably in April.
2월 1일, 4월 총선 전까지 임시 연립정부를 구성하기로 했다.
The new coalition looks to joining of the European Union and vows to over-haul the central bank to overcome the financial crisis.
새 연립정부 수립에 EU가 개입하기로 한 이상 중앙은행은 금융 위기를 극복 할 수 있을것이다.
The new coalition picked former Social Affairs Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir from the Social Democratic Party as their candidate for prime minister.
새 연립정부의 총리 후보로 사회 민주당에서는 전 사회부 장관인 Johanna Sigurdardottir를 뽑기로했다.
President Grimsson endorsed the nomination.
Grimsson대통령은 이 지명을 승인했다.
Former Prime Minister Geir Haarde of the Independence Party,who led the ruling coalition that just resigned,announced that he would not seek re-election due to suffering from cancer
전 총리였던 독립당의 Geir Haarde는 암으로 인해 사임을 하고 선거에 재 등록을 하지 않겠다고 발표했다.
-he has a malignant tumor on his esophagus.
그의 식도에 악성 종양이 있는것으로 밝혀졌다.
Street demonstrations have been held regularly since the financial crisis hit.
외환 위기 이후 길거리 시위는 정기적으로 시행되어 왔다.
One of the biggest anti-goverment demonstrations was held on Jan.24with approximately 6,000 to 7,000 people calling for the ruling collation to resign.
1월 24일에 열린 시위는 사임을 위한 여권정렬에 대한 시위로 약 6,000~7,000명의 인원이 모여서 가장 큰 반 정부 시위였습니다.
The Jan.24 protests that week had clashes with riot police who used pepper spray and arrested some protesters.
1월24일 시위가 열린 이날 누군가 후추 스프레이를 사용하여 경찰과의 충돌이 있었습니다.
Leaders of the Independence Party and the Social Democrats met on Jan.25 to discuss the future of the goverment right before the goverment collapsed the next day.
독립당 대표와 사민당 대표는 1월 25일 만나 정부 붕괴 이후의 우파 정부의 미래에 대해 논의했다.
The financial crisis that hit in October was caused by a number of bank failures.
10월 외환위기 이후 무너진 은행의 숫자가 문제의 원인이었다.
To prevent the tital collapse of the country's financial system the government nationalized three banks and then appealed for help from the International Monetary Fund.
정부 금융 시스템 전체의 붕괴를 예방하기 위해 정부는 3개 국유 은행을 국제 통화 기금에 도움을 청하기로 했다
Inflation rose to over 12 per-cent and trading on the Icelandic stock market was banned for almost a week.
물가가 12% 이상 상승했고 아이슬란드 주식 시장에서의 거래는 거의 일주일 동안 금지됐다.


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