해석부탁..+내공 80

해석부탁..+내공 80

작성일 2009.01.30댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

해석 부탁해여

오타수정도 부탁해여

추가내공 80



Mrs. Drake is almost 70 year old. She started a club. It is a walking club. There are now ten people in the club, and most of them are older people like herself. The people walk two miles every day. They walk very quickly because that in the best way to stay in a shopping mall. They all wear T-shirts that say "I Love Walking"

Something funny happende to the walking ciub one day. A dog began to follow them. Soon, there were two more dogs. Now the walking club has both people and dogs walking every day.



Alma and her mother were walking home  when a small dog began following them. There was a note tied  to the dog's collar. Alma read the note. It said , "My name is Lady. MY owner cannot keep me. May I be your pet?"

Alma showed the note to her mother. " May I keep the dog?" she asked.

The puppy looked like a noce dog.  Mother said that they could keep it. Alma and Lady were happy. Alma had a new pet, and Lady had a new home.



Houses have many lights. When it gets dark, we turn them on so we can see. Once in a whlie a light bulb won't  work. Then we get a new light bulb and throw the old one away.

There is one light bulb has never been thrown away

It is in a fire station. The bulb has never been turned off. It is  left on all day and  all night. this light bulb has been on  for over 75 years!

Would't it be nice if all light bulbs lasted that long?

profile_image 익명 작성일 -


Mrs. Drake is almost 70 year old. She started a club. It is a walking club. There are now ten people in the club, and most of them are older people like herself. The people walk two miles every day. They walk very quickly because that in the best way to stay in a shopping mall. They all wear T-shirts that say "I Love Walking"

Something funny happende to the walking ciub one day. A dog began to follow them. Soon, there were two more dogs. Now the walking club has both people and dogs walking every day.


드레이크부인은 거의 70세가 다되었다. 그녀는 클럽을 시작했다. 그것은 걷기클럽이었다. 클럽은 이제 10명이나 되었고, 그들 대부분은 그녀와 비슷하거나 더 먹었다. 사람들은 매일 2마일씩을 걸었다. 그들은 쇼핑 몰에 머무르기 위한 최선의 방법을 위해서는 속보(빨리 걷는 것)를 했다. 그들은 "걷기를 좋아해"라고 쓴T-셔츠를 전부 걸쳤다.

어느 날 걷기클럽에 재미있는 일이 일어났다. 개 한마리가 그들을 따르기 시작한 것이었다. 곧, 2마리가 더 늘었다. 이제 걷기클럽은 매일 걸을 때마다 사람과 개들이 함께 걷는다.



Alma and her mother were walking home  when a small dog began following them. There was a note tied  to the dog's collar. Alma read the note. It said , "My name is Lady. MY owner cannot keep me. May I be your pet?"

Alma showed the note to her mother. " May I keep the dog?" she asked.

The puppy looked like a noce dog.  Mother said that they could keep it. Alma and Lady were happy. Alma had a new pet, and Lady had a new home.


알마와 그녀의 어머니는 작은 개가 그들을 따라오기 시작할 때 집으로 걸어오고 있었다. 개에 걸려있는 목걸이에

글씨가 적혀 있었다. 알마는 글씨를 읽어 보았다. "내 이름은 숙녀입니다. 내 주인은 나를 기를 수가 없어요. 저를 애완동물로 길러주시겠어요?"

알마는 그녀의 어머니에게 그 글씨를 보였다. "내가 이 개를 기를까?" 그녀가 물었다.

강아지는 멋있는 개였다.(noce가 아니고 nice인듯) 어머니는 그 개를 키우자고 말했다. 알마와 숙녀는 행복했다.

알마는 새 귀염둥이를 가졌다, 그리고 숙녀는 새 보금자리를 갖게 되었다.



Houses have many lights. When it gets dark, we turn them on so we can see. Once in a whlie a light bulb won't  work. Then we get a new light bulb and throw the old one away.

There is one light bulb has never been thrown away

It is in a fire station. The bulb has never been turned off. It is  left on all day and  all night. this light bulb has been on  for over 75 years!

Would't it be nice if all light bulbs lasted that long?


주택은 많은 빛을 갖고 있다. 어두워지면, 우리는 볼 수 있도록 불을 켠다. 가끔은 전구가 빛을 잃는다. 그러면 우리는 새 전구를 구해서 쓰던 것은 버린다.

한 개의 전구라도 결코 버려서는 안된다.

소방서 안에 있는 것이다. 전구는 결코 변하지 않는다. 언제나 하루종일 그대로 있다. 전구는 75년 이상을 그대로 있을 수 있다!

모든 전구가 오랫동안 영원히 쓸 수 있다면 얼마나 좋으랴!


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