고등학교 문제집 영어지문을 찾습니다

고등학교 문제집 영어지문을 찾습니다

작성일 2023.09.21댓글 0건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

안녕하세요? 고등학교 영어 시험범위에 외부지문으로 선정된 지문들인데, 출처가 어딘지 알고 싶어서 지식인에 문의드립니다. 꼭 아시는 분은 답변주세요. 1번지문은 수능특강light 4강 6번 지문인것은 확인했습니다. 감사합니다. 

1. Many students lack the life experiences to imagine that people in other cultures live, behave, and believe differently. Online collaborations create authentic ways for students to learn about places they have never experienced. For instance, a cross-national sharing between elementary schools in different climates revealed that students in one school had questions about snow, which they had never seen, while the partner students were trying to imagine open-air, year-round schools. Minor differences are not minor to students who have never been exposed to any differences at all. Given that most students will, as adults, work in international markets, the more exposure they receive to different cultural patterns during school years, the more successful they will make the transition as adults.




 2. Everything we do requires energy. Unfortunately, a great deal of the energy we generate is lost before it can be utilized. In power stations, for example, about two-thirds of the energy created is lost, mostly in the form of released heat. This is why experts have focused on "energy harvesting," the process of recapturing and using lost energy.


One method of energy harvesting involves pressure. When a material receives pressure from another source, its molecules are disturbed. This creates a small amount of electrical voltage. In Brazil, for example, energy-harvesting tiles were placed underneath the artificial grass of an outdoor soccer field in a poor neighborhood. The pressure created by players running up and down the filed now generates enough electricity to illuminate the filed for up to 10 hours, allowing local kids to play safely at night.


Temperature disparity is another potential source of energy harvesting. When two adjacent objects have a large and constant temperature difference, voltage is created. One company has taken advantage of this fact to create a self-sustaining telephone charger that resembles a drink coaster. The charger works when either a hot or cold drink is placed upon it. The difference in temperature between the drink and the device creates electricity to charge a phone.


Energy that is harvested can be used as a substitute for batteries in a variety of low-power electric devices. This has several advantages, such as eliminating the need to constantly replace dead batteries. It also benefits the environment by reducing the number of batteries that end up in landfills, where harmful substances can leak into the soil. Finally, harvested energy can be used in remote regions where mass-produced electricity is not available, and even at the bottom of the sea.


Currently, energy harvesting is still being developed and has yet to reach its full potential. It is likely, however, that it will play an essential role in providing some of the energy humans need in the future.

3. Sustainability is the balance between people and the environment. Air, water and land are all impacted by the behavior and actions of human beings, but these impacts can be (A) controlled / controlling so they do not cause as much damage while allowing all involved to maintain a comfortable existence. The art of sustainable living is the ability to support the communities today without jeopardizing the environment for tomorrow. (B) Maintain / Maintaining sustainability isn't just up to corporations and governments, however, individuals bringing it into their everyday lives make an impact. Sustainability is (C) made / making decisions with a new set of values - not a value set that hang over your head like a cloud, but an understanding that there's a great deal you can do to preserve the environment for future generations while providing for yourself today.

jeopardize: 위태롭게 하다




4. Many of us are eager to exercise our power to choose. We want to have it our way and decide which options we pursue, sometimes without awareness of or regard for the consequences. In fact, we are (A) taught / teaching at an early age about our freedom and what we can do and what others can and cannot do to or for us. This is very helpful to us as we grow and develop as citizens and helps us (B) establish / established boundaries for ourselves and for others in relation to us. This, of course, is the easy and often most exciting part of freedom. The more challenging and sometimes scary part of freedom is accepting responsibility for the consequences that result from our choices. However, it is clear that we are best served when we exercise our right (C) choose / to choose our own future and take responsibility for what happens to us as a result.







"Feel" is not a synonym for "think." "Feel" is often used when "think" would be more appropriate. Emotion is often used as though emotion exists apart, separate from thought; as though emotions have a life of their own and simply float around waiting to land up on some unsuspecting person and wreak all kinds of havoc. For some reason our society seems to prefer using the word "emotion" and/or "emotional" instead of terms that actually describe behavior. Maybe it's because we've gotten away from being specific about practically everything. We seem to like generalities, vagueness and language that lacks precision and clarity. So, instead of saying someone is happy or sad or whatever, we are more inclined to simply say he is emotional. It avoids the details of having to figure out where emotions come from to begin with.

wreck havoc : 피해를 입히다





What distinguishes recycling is not its importance, but rather the ease with which individuals can participate, and the visibility of actions taken to promote the common good. You may care passionately about the threat of global warming or the destruction of the rain forest but you can't have an immediate effect on these problems that is perceptible to yourself or others. The rain forest salvation truck doesn't make weekly pickups, let alone the clean air truck. When a public opinion poll in 1990 asked people what they had done in connection with environmental problems, 80 t0 85% answered that they or their households had participated in various aspects of recycling; no other significant steps had been taken by the majority of respondents. Like the drunk looking for his wallet under the lamppost, we may focus on recycling because it is where the immediate tasks are best illuminated.





Quite apart from whatever benefits art may have for the total society, it is generally agreed that art is a source of personal gratification for both the artist and the viewer. It would be hard to imagine a world in which people engaged only in pursuits that met their basic survival needs. Although people devote most of their time and energy to meeting those needs, it is equally true that all people derive some enjoyment from art because it provides at least a temporary break from those practical pursuits. Only after the crops have been harvested does the African horticulturalist have time to dance, tell stories, and derive pleasure from making or viewing pieces of art. Likewise, as a diversion from their workaday lives, many Westerners seek gratification by attending a play, a concert, or a museum. No doubt, it was this personal gratification derived from art that prompted Richard Selzer, an American surgeon and author, to comment: “art is necessary only in that without it life would be unbearable.”


*gratification 만족감 **horticulturalist: 원예사

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