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게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요
Judging from the speech Obama gave following the deal to end the government shutdown, Republicans better get wise to the president's next fiscal gambit when the three-month stop-gap budget and debt measures come due. As was the case with his hard-line defense of Obamacare, the president likely will be inflexible on endingsequestration budget caps, pushing for massive tax hikes and permitting only the most inconsequential entitlement reforms.
1. better get wise 가 무슨 말인가요?
get 이 동사이고 better 여기서는 get 을 수식해주는 부사인가요?
2. fiscal gambit 이 무슨 말인가요?
3. sequestraition budget caps 은 여기서 무슨 말인가요?
4. inconsequential entitlment reforms 는 여기서 무슨 말인가요?
Judging from the speech Obama gave following the deal to end the government shutdown, Republicans better get wise to the president's next fiscal gambit when the three-month stop-gap budget and debt measures come due. As was the case with his hard-line defense of Obamacare, the president likely will be inflexible on endingsequestration budget caps, pushing for massive tax hikes and permitting only the most inconsequential entitlement reforms.
1. better get wise 가 무슨 말인가요?
get 이 동사이고 better 여기서는 get 을 수식해주는 부사인가요?
2. fiscal gambit 이 무슨 말인가요?
3. sequestraition budget caps 은 여기서 무슨 말인가요?
4. inconsequential entitlment reforms 는 여기서 무슨 말인가요?