영어 번역

영어 번역

작성일 2020.10.06댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

Living with Big Data
Have you ever visited an online bookstore and been surprised by the books that the store recommended for you? Many of them looked interesting to you. So how did the bookstore know what you liked? This is all possible because of big data.
What is big data?
Big data is data sets that are very big and complex. As information and communication technology develops, the amount of data we have is getting much greater than before. This is mainly because almost everything that we do online leaves a trace. For example, the photos you upload on your blog and the records of your purchases at online stores are all part of big data.
Simply collecting data, however, is not enough. Big data has to be analyzed, and this is done by big data experts. Using various methods, experts analyze big data and draw meaningful results from it. These results then can be used to make decisions or to predict the future.
How is big data influencing our lives?
Big data is influencing almost all parts of our lives. It helps companies understand their customers’ needs better and helps them sell more products. It helps people avoid heavy traffic. Its uses are endless, and here are some interesting examples.
Disease Forcast
Did you know that health professionals can now forecast a disease just as weather experts forecast the weather? This is possible thanks to big data. For example, when the flu season comes, people will buy more flu medicine. They will also search online about flu symptoms more. If this kind of data is analyzed wisely, the spread of the flu can be predicted.
Improving Performance in Sports
Are you a sports fan? Well, big data is improving the performance of players, making sports more exciting. A famous example is Germany’s national soccer team. The team built a database by collecting and analyzing a huge amount of data on players. For example, the data included information about how much each player ran and how long he had the ball. With the help of this database, Germany’s national soccer team was able to improve its performance and win the 2014 World Cup.
Crime Prevention
Thanks to big data, police can now predict crime before it happens. Through the analysis of big data about the type, time and place of crime, police can make a map of crime hot spots. This map identifies when and where crime is most likely to happen. Police can prevent further crime by focusing on the areas and the times this map predicts.
Big data has already changed the world greatly. So where will the big data industry go from here? Nobody knows for sure, but experts agree that big data will play a more and more important role in our lives.

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Living with Big Data

빅테이터와 살기 (빅데이터와 함께하는 삶)

Have you ever visited an online bookstore and been surprised by the books that the store recommended for you? Many of them looked interesting to you. So how did the bookstore know what you liked? This is all possible because of big data.

인터넷 서점에서 추천해주는 책을 보고 놀란 적이 있나요? 많은 경우 당신이 좋아할법한 책들일텐데요. 그럼 서점은 어떻게 당신이 좋아하는 것을 알고 있을까요? 이건 다 빅데이터 때문입니다.

인터넷 서점에서는 고객이 마음에 들어할만한 책을 알아서 고르고 추전해 준다. 그럼 도대체 고객이 뭘 좋아하는지는 어떻게 알고 있을까? 바로 빅데이터가 그 답이다.

What is big data?

빅 데이터는 무엇인가?

Big data is data sets that are very big and complex. As information and communication technology develops, the amount of data we have is getting much greater than before. This is mainly because almost everything that we do online leaves a trace. For example, the photos you upload on your blog and the records of your purchases at online stores are all part of big data.

Simply collecting data, however, is not enough. Big data has to be analyzed, and this is done by big data experts. Using various methods, experts analyze big data and draw meaningful results from it. These results then can be used to make decisions or to predict the future.

빅데이터는 굉장히 크고 복잡한 데이터 세트(모음)이다. 정보통신 기술이 발달함에 따라서 정보의 양도 이전에 비하면 엄청나게 증가했다. (정보의 양이 증가하는 가장 큰 이유는) 누구나 온라인에 많은 흔적을 남기고 있기 때문이다. 예를 들어 블로그에 사진을 올렸다든지, 인쇼를 했다면 그 모든 기록이 빅데이터가 된다.

하지만 단순히 데이터를 모으는 것 정도로는 충분하지 않고, 이 데이터들이 전문가들에 의해서 분석될 때라야 의미가 있다. 전문가들은 다양한 분석기법을 활용해 의미있는 결과를 도출해 내고, 이 분석결과를 가지고 미래를 예측하거나 중요한 의사결정에 활용하게 된다.

How is big data influencing our lives?

사람들에게 어떤 영향을 주는가?

Big data is influencing almost all parts of our lives. It helps companies understand their customers’ needs better and helps them sell more products. It helps people avoid heavy traffic. Its uses are endless, and here are some interesting examples.

사실 사람들 삶의 거의 모든 부분에 영향을 주고 있다. 기업들이 소비자의 요구를 보다 잘 이해하고 더 많은 제품을 판매하게 해주고, 꽉 막힌 도로를 피할 수 있게 해주기도 한다. 활용도는 무궁무진하며, 아래에 흥미로운 사례를 첨부하였다.

Disease Forcast


Did you know that health professionals can now forecast a disease just as weather experts forecast the weather? This is possible thanks to big data. For example, when the flu season comes, people will buy more flu medicine. They will also search online about flu symptoms more. If this kind of data is analyzed wisely, the spread of the flu can be predicted.

이제는 건강도 날씨처럼 예측이 가능하다. 예를 들어 감기가 퍼지는 시기에 사람들이 감기약을 더 많이 사게 마련이고, 인터넷으로 증상을 검색하기도 할 것이다. 이것들이 빅데이터로 축적되고, 분석만 제대로 이뤄진다면 감기의 확산 정도를 예측할 수 있다는 것이다.

Improving Performance in Sports

Are you a sports fan? Well, big data is improving the performance of players, making sports more exciting. A famous example is Germany’s national soccer team. The team built a database by collecting and analyzing a huge amount of data on players. For example, the data included information about how much each player ran and how long he had the ball. With the help of this database, Germany’s national soccer team was able to improve its performance and win the 2014 World Cup.

Crime Prevention

Thanks to big data, police can now predict crime before it happens. Through the analysis of big data about the type, time and place of crime, police can make a map of crime hot spots. This map identifies when and where crime is most likely to happen. Police can prevent further crime by focusing on the areas and the times this map predicts.

Big data has already changed the world greatly. So where will the big data industry go from here? Nobody knows for sure, but experts agree that big data will play a more and more important role in our lives.

나머지는 스포츠 향상, 범죄 예방에도 빅데이터 분석이 쓸모있다는 내용이고요.

그 부분도 번역 필요하시면 댓글 달아 주시면 좀따가 다시 와서 이어서 보겠습니다

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