틀린 영어문장 고치기

틀린 영어문장 고치기

작성일 2003.03.28댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

제가 문법을 잘 몰라서...ㅡㅡ;;도와주세요..너무 길지만,,할수 있는만큼이라도~※ 틀린 영어문장 고치기

1. I think that the teacher is not the man who only give knowledge to students, but give love to them.

2. Younger brother is middle school student. He is handsome guy and cute for me.

3. So I am going to home for a work every weeks.

4. My family is six member.

5. The next of the that will talk character and a hobby.

6. Because of it, I can maintain my physique.
Because I am hard to choose the clothes. I will do diet and exercise.

7. In former days, he had a market-play in the church, and he bought a hairpin for me.
Those are so soft as pap.
But I like them, because they have my brother's love.

8. Average I take two or three hours to read a novel from cover to cover.

9. And the thing that I want to do most is the part time job. Since I have entered the university, there are many things that I had to spend money.

10. I have a very bright thought way and quiet character, I think.

11. So I will do my best anything for realize my wishes. I am happy when draw a fine picture of my future.

12. I love to listening to music to all kinds of music, especially classical music.

13. I'm not dislike my nickname. Sooner than I proud of my nickname.

14. Today, let me better than yesterday me!

15. I used to say 'I will mastery five country languages perfectible.

16. There is a high school senior to the English literature course and it is glad.

17. My demerits is jealousy and some selfish, but I try to improve my bad point.
18. Hers age same my father's age. Every time, she is care for son and daughters and my father.

19. I am good point is a quiet attitude.
So my friend have a problem always comes to me.

20. My sister is a student going university, too. She has my ability in variety province of artistic, music, drawing, computer.

21. So I am hard to get acquainted with friends.

22. I like color of pink and blue, because this color look hopeful.
I have various friends, but my best friend is only one.

23. Also I'm misunderstood due to looks like cold a first impression.
However I try to effort that set off my merits against my faults.

24. But English is very considerable language so I am English language level up.

25. But I made friendship open our heart together smile, together cry until now.

#틀린 영어문장 찾기

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

1. I think that the teacher is not the man who only give knowledge to students, but give love to them.

일단.. 이 문장은 너무 기닌깐.. 제가 마니 고칠께여..

I think our teacher is not like other teachers who just teach, he gives love to us.

2. Younger brother is middle school student. He is handsome guy and cute for me.

My younger brother is a middle school student. He is hansome and I think he is cute.

(근대 가족 끼리 인 경우 cute 라는 말은 별로 않쓰는데여.. 남동생 아니면..남동생이면 상관 없씀.)

3. So I am going to home for a work every weeks.

So 가 왜 있는 지 모르겠네여.. 근대.. So 는 주로 아페 않들어 가여..

그리고.. 문장 이 무슨 뜻인지 잘.. 모르게써여..

제 생각엔.. 매주 일하러 집에 간다는 소리 가튼데..(맞나여)

I am going home, becuase I've got some work (house work) to do.

4. My family is six member.

My family members are 누구누구 라고 해도 되고여..

I have six people in my family.

5. The next of the that will talk character and a hobby.

이것도 이혜 가 않가지만..

The next thing I am going to talk about is a charcter and its hobby.

6. Because of it, I can maintain my physique.
Because I am hard to choose the clothes. I will do diet and exercise.

문장 아페 또다른 문장 이 있는것 가튼데.. 그 앞문장 이 이쓰면 더 조은데..

I have to maintain my body (physique), if I don't it would be hard for me to wear clothes that I used to wear, and I also have to go on a diet or do some exercises.

7. In former days, he had a market-play in the church, and he bought a hairpin for me.
Those are so soft as pap.
But I like them, because they have my brother's love.

Previeus day (yesterday를 쓰시던지.. 정확 하게 쓰셔도 되고여.. former days 는 ㄴㄴ), My brother bought me a hairpin. The hairpin I got was soft as pap and it came from my brother's heart

8. Average I take two or three hours to read a novel from cover to cover.

Nomarlly, It takes two or three hours to finish one novel.

저 8번 문장 무슨 뜻인지 잘 모르 겠는데여..

대충.. 2-3시간 정도 에 책을 끝낸다는 뜻으로 알고 섰어여..

9. And the thing that I want to do most is the part time job. Since I have entered the university, there are many things that I had to spend money.

맞고여.. 맞자여..

10. I have a very bright thought way and quiet character, I think.

I think I am bright (smart) and shy.


the way of my thoughts are very bright, and I am kind of quiet.

11. So I will do my best anything for realize my wishes. I am happy when draw a fine picture of my future.

I will do my best for successing my wishes. 다음 문장은 맞네여.

12. I love to listening to music to all kinds of music, especially classical music.

I love listening any kind of music, however my favorite one is classical music.

13. I'm not dislike my nickname. Sooner than I proud of my nickname.

I don't dislike my nicname. sooner or later I will be proud of my nickname.

14. Today, let me better than yesterday me!

Today, let me be better than yesterday's me!

15. I used to say 'I will mastery five country languages perfectible.

I used to say. " I will master five different languages perfectly."

16. There is a high school senior to the English literature course and it is glad.

I'm glad that I could take one of those high school English courses.

17. My demerits is jealousy and some selfish, but I try to improve my bad point.

My disavantages are jealousy and selfish, but I'm trying to improve.

18. Hers age same my father's age. Every time, she is care for son and daughters and my father.

Her age is same as my dad's age. Everytime, she cares for her sons, daughters and my dad.

19. I am good point is a quiet attitude.
So my friend have a problem always comes to me.

My advantage is a quiet attitude, so everytime when my friends want to talk to me, they always come to me.

20. My sister is a student going university, too. She has my ability in variety province of artistic, music, drawing, computer.

My sister is a student who goes university, too. 뒷문장 맞고여..

21. So I am hard to get acquainted with friends.

So 는 문장 아페 쓰는 게 아니 에여.. 한국 처럼 그리고.. 란 뜻이 긴한데.. 쓰이는 데가 다른데여..

어쨋든 계속 할께여..

It is hard for me to get acquinted with other people.

22. I like color of pink and blue, because this color look hopeful.
I have various friends, but my best friend is only one.

My favorite colors are pink and blue, because way I think of those colors, I think they symbolize hope. I have many freinds ( 가끔씩은 간단한 단어를 써주는 것이 보통 various 는 이럴때 않쓰이는 걸로 알고있거든여..), however (또는 on the other hand) I only have one best friend.

23. Also I'm misunderstood due to looks like cold a first impression.
However I try to effort that set off my merits against my faults.

I am prejudice (저도 이단어 배운지 별로 않되씁.. ㅋㅋ) However, I try to not to prejudge other people by looks.

24. But English is very considerable language so I am English language level up.

여기 considerable은 생각 해 봐야 한다는 뜻으로 쓰인것 갓네여..

English is very hard to learn, so i am going to work hard.

25. But I made friendship open our heart together smile, together cry until now.

홍홍홍.. 콩글리쉬 가튼데여..

'open our hearts and simle together, also cry together when we need to." that is my motto about my friendship.

흠.. 흠

질문 하신 분께서.. 너무 단어를 짜내서 생각 하시지 마시고여,...

그냥 머리 속에서 나오는 걸 쓰세여..

그럼.. 문장도 부드러워 지고..

다른 사람한테 이혜도 잘 가게 해줄수 있답니다..


그냥 주접 이 였고여..

제가 너무 마니 뜯어 고친거 가튼데여..

문장 을 부드럽게 만드느 랴고 마니 고쳤어여..

질문 하신 분은 쪼금 만 더 노력 하시면.. 완벽한 native grammar 가 나올수도..

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