

작성일 2009.05.28댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

영어연극 대본좀요 제발

대본 꾸미실때..


1.10분내로 할수 있는 대본

2.10명이하에 등장인물..

3.아주아주 재밌는걸로..


내공 20겁니다!~~~~~


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제가 나갔던 공주와 완두콩 대사를 오립니다^^


-The Princess and the Pea 공주와 완두콩

N: Once upon a time there was a prince.

The prince wanted to marry a princess.

He looked for the princess.

But it was difficult to find a real one.

N: One day the prince gave a ball.

He invited the princesses from all over the world.

But he couldn't find a real princess.

He was very sad.

He didn't know what to do.

여왕: Did you find a real princess?

왕자: No, Mother

여왕: Well, I have an idea.

N: The queen went into the bedrooms.

She took all the bedding off the beds.

She laid a pea on the bottom of each bed.

She took many mattresses.

She laid twenty mattresses on each pea.

왕자: Why did you do that?"

여왕: A real princess is very sensitive

왕자: She can feel a pea under the twenty mattresses

N: That night the princesses slept in the palace.

They slept on the beds with the peas.

They woke up the next morning.

여왕: Did you have a good sleep?

공주들:Oh, yes!

N: The queen and prince were very disappointed.

They sent all the princesses back home.

One night there was a terrible storm.

The prince couldn't sleep.

He got up and went downstairs.

Then he heard some noise.

효과음 Knock, knock.

He heard someone knocking at the door.

왕자: Who is it?

공주: Please open the door

The prince opened the door.

There was a woman in front of the door.

She was all wet from the rain.

공주: May I stay in your palace tonight?

왕자: Uh, yes, Please come in.

공주: Oh, thank you so much,

The prince brought the woman to the queen.

공주: Hello, I'm Princess Bella," said the woman.

I was lost in the forest. But luckily, I found your palace.

The prince and the queen were very surprised.

They couldn't believe that she was a princess.

Her clothes were torn and her feet were bare.

The water came down from her hair and clothes.

여왕:(속으로) She can't be a princess,

But she said nothing.

She went into the bedroom.

She took all the bedding off the bed.

She laid a pea on the bottom.

She took twenty mattresses.

She laid them on the pea.

The queen took the woman into the bedroom.

여왕: Please make yourself comfortable.

공주: Oh, thank you,

The woman woke up the next morning.

여왕: How did you sleep?

공주: Oh, very badly! I could hardly sleep all night

I was lying on something hard."

The queen and the prince smiled at each other.

They knew that she was a real princess.

She had felt the pea.

왕자: I've been looking for a real princess for a long time.

And now I've found the real one.Will you marry me?

공주: Yes, I will,"

The prince finally married the real princess.

He was very happy.

He put the pea in the museum.

People went to the museum to see the pea.





1분 영어 연극 대본

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