영어신문기사 해석.[내공100]

영어신문기사 해석.[내공100]

작성일 2005.08.22댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

영어 신문기사 해석좀 부탁드립니다. ^^

By the year 2020, the average life expectancy of South Koreans is expected to reach 81 years of age according to findings by the Ministry of Health and Welfare보건복지부 on August 7, citing a report from the United Nations.

Currently, South Koreans enjoy a life expectancy of 77.9 years, about a year-and-a-half longer than other member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 경제협력개발기구 who averaged just 76.2 years. Only Japan and Italy ranked higher in life expectancies with 82.1 years and 79 years respectively.

According to Ministry officials, this trend will likely continue as Koreans gain the added benefits of significantimprovements in healthcare and nutrition. A decliningbirthrate is also expected to boost these numbers as South Korea’s birthrate fell to a record-low of 1.19 in 2003, dropping way below the rate of 2.83 calculated just 20 years ago.

Although the prolonged life expectancy is a cause for celebration since our parents are likely to live longer, experts worry about the dependency ratio -- the ratio of children and people over 65 compared with the sector of the population that is of working age. They warn that the increasing life expectancies will burden the already diminishingworkforce and that concretemeasures should be introduced as soon as possible to cope with the aging population.

The National Statistical Office (NSO)통계청 expects that Korea will become an "aged society" by 2019 meaning that people over the age of 65 will account for 14 percent of the total population.
Authorities warn that the consequences of such a shift will become apparent as the working-age population will be unable to maintainliving standards for the dependent population due to the increased burdens associated with an ever diminishing workforce.
Experts also worry that an aging population in the context of a declining labor supply might make economic growthuntenable since higher taxes will be needed to fundpension and health systems for the elderly.

Kim Dong-suk, a researcher at the state-run Korea Development Institute 한국개발연구원, expects Korea’s potentialeconomic growth rates could sink below one percent by 2040. "I predict that the potential economic growth rates will drop from around five percent now to 4.21 percent between 2010 and 2019, 2.91 percent in the 2020s, to 1.6 percent in the 2030s and 0.74 percent in the 2040s,"he said.


profile_image 익명 작성일 -

By the year 2020, the average life expectancy of South Koreans is expected to reach 81 years of age according to findings by the Ministry of Health and Welfare보건복지부 on August 7, citing a report from the United Nations.

유엔 보고서에 따르면 2020년에 남한의 평균 수명은 81살에 도달할것으로 보건 복지부는 8월 7일 예상했다고 전했다.

Currently, South Koreans enjoy a life expectancy of 77.9 years, about a year-and-a-half longer than other member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 경제협력개발기구 who averaged just 76.2 years. Only Japan and Italy ranked higher in life expectancies with 82.1 years and 79 years respectively.

현재 남한의 평균 수명은 77.9세 이다. 이 수치는 경제협력 개발기구에 가입된 나라들의 평균 수명인 76.2세 보다 1년 6개월 더 많은 수치이다. 일본과 이탈리아만이 평균 수명이 82.1세와 79세로 높게 순위가 메겨졌다.

According to Ministry officials, this trend will likely continue as Koreans gain the added benefits of significant improvements in healthcare and nutrition. A declining birthrate is also expected to boost these numbers as South Korea’s birthrate fell to a record-low of 1.19 in 2003, dropping way below the rate of 2.83 calculated just 20 years ago.

보건 복지부에 따르면 이러한 현상은 한국인들이 의료와 영양물 섭취에 발전이 있는 동안은 계속 이어질 것으로 내다보고 있다. 2003년 남한의 출산률은 경의적인 기록인 1.19명으로 떨어졌다. 이 수치는 20년전인 2.83명 보다 훨씬 낮은 수치로써 이러한 출산률 감소 또한 수명 연장에 기여를 하고 있다고 보고있다.

Although the prolonged life expectancy is a cause for celebration since our parents are likely to live longer, experts worry about the dependency ratio -- the ratio of children and people over 65 compared with the sector of the population that is of working age. They warn that the increasing life expectancies will burden the already diminishing workforce and that concrete measures should be introduced as soon as possible to cope with the aging population.

더욱 길어진 평균 수명은 나이 먹은 사람들한테는 좋은 소식일테지만 전문가들은 부양율에 대해 걱정하고 있다. - 어린이들과 65세이상의 사람들 대 일하는 사람들의 비율. 전문가들은 평균 수명 연장은 벌써부터 줄어들고 있는 노동력에 부담을 줄것이니 노동력에 관한 세밀한 수치는 가능한한 빨리 알아내서 노화해가는 사람들에 대한 대책을 세워야한다고 경고하고 있다.

The National Statistical Office (NSO)통계청 expects that Korea will become an "aged society" by 2019 meaning that people over the age of 65 will account for 14 percent of the total population.
Authorities warn that the consequences of such a shift will become apparent as the working-age population will be unable to maintain living standards for the dependent population due to the increased burdens associated with an ever diminishing workforce.
Experts also worry that an aging population in the context of a declining labor supply might make economic growth untenable since higher taxes will be needed to fund pension and health systems for the elderly.

통계청은 한국은 2019년에 65세가 넘는 인구가 전체 인구의 14 퍼센트를 차지하는노령화 사회가 될것으로 보고 있다.
당국은 이러한 움직임은 줄어드는 노동력에 대한 커져버린 부담감과 함께 노동 인구는 그들에게 의존하는 사람들의 생활을 유지할 수 없을 것이라고 경고했다.
전문가들도 역시 노령화 되가는 인구층, 쉽게 말해 노동력이 줄어드는 상황에서 노인들의 연금과 건강 제도를 계속 유지하기 위해 서는 세금을 높이는 것이 불가피하므로 경제 성장을 유지할 수 없을 것이라고 걱정하고 있다.

Kim Dong-suk, a researcher at the state-run Korea Development Institute 한국개발연구원, expects Korea’s potential economic growth rates could sink below one percent by 2040. "I predict that the potential economic growth rates will drop from around five percent now to 4.21 percent between 2010 and 2019, 2.91 percent in the 2020s, to 1.6 percent in the 2030s and 0.74 percent in the 2040s,"he said.

한국 개발 연구원의 연구원인 김동석씨는 2040년을 기점으로 해서 한국의 잠재되어 있는 경제 성장율은 1%로 떨어질 것이라고 예상하고 있다. 그는 "저는 잠재되어있는 경제 성장율이 2010년과 2019년 사이 지금의 5%대에서 4.21%, 2020년대에는 2.91%, 2030년대에는 1.6%로, 2040년대에는 0.74%로 떨어질 것이라고 예상하고 있습니다." 라고 말하였다.

The six-party talks on North Korea’s nuclear standoff were adjourned for three weeks after the six countries failed to find a resolution despite 13 days of negotiations in Beijing. The delegates left for their respective countries to further consult with their governments and are scheduled to return to Beijing on August 29 to resume the talks.
The failure to produce an agreement is mostly due to the differences over North Korea’s right to use nuclear energy peacefully and a continuation of construction of a light-water reactor in the country.

북한의 핵 동결에 대한 6자회담은 베이징에서 13일동안의 협상에도 불구하고 해결책을 찾지못해 3주 후로 연기되었다. 대표단들은 그들의 정부와 더 의견을 나눈후 8월 29일 다시 회담을 시작하는 것으로 일정을 잡고 각자의 나라들로 돌아갔다.
협상 실패는 북한이 평화적으로 핵 에너지를 사용할수 있는 권리와 경수로 공사의 재개 때문에다.

North Korea’s top negotiator Kim Kye-kwan said that "The key to reaching success in the next session is for the United States to change its policy of disallowing us to possess any kind of nuclear programs,"But Chief US envoy Christopher Hill said at a press briefing that the issue of the light-water reactor is simply not on the table.
Amid concerns over whether the fourth round of six-party talks would end in failure again, following the three previous failures, participants from the six countries reaffirmed their willingness to continue the talks after the break.

북한의 최고 교섭자인 김계관씨는, "미국이 다음 협상을 성공적으로 이끌어 낼 수 있는 열쇠는 어떤 종류의 핵 프로그램도 허용하지 않는 정책을 바꾸는 것이다," 라고 말했다. 하지만 미국 사절단의 대표인 크리스토퍼 힐(Christopher Hill)은 기자회견장에서 경수로 공사 재개의 관한 건은 간단히 말해 협상의 주제도 아니라고 말했다.
애미드(Amid)는 네번째 6자회담도 이전 3번의 실패처럼 또 다시 실패할 경우 여섯 국가들이 흔쾌이 다시 협상을 해줄것인지 아닌지에 대해 염려를 표했다.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

By the year 2020, South Koreans are projected to have an average life expectancy of 81 years, as reported by the Ministry of Health and Welfare on August 7. This information is based on a report from the United Nations. Currently, South Koreans have a life expectancy of 77.9 years, which is about one and a half years longer than the average life expectancy of other member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

영어신문기사 해석.[내공100]

영어 신문기사 해석좀 부탁드립니다. ^^ By the year 2020, the average life expectancy of South Koreans is expected to reach 81 years of age...

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영어 신문기사 해석

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