영어로 이메일쓰는데 이상한 부분 없나 봐주세요 ㅜㅜ 내공 최대로 드립니...

영어로 이메일쓰는데 이상한 부분 없나 봐주세요 ㅜㅜ 내공 최대로 드립니...

작성일 2012.12.30댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

 It was honor for me to have an interview with Moma design studio. Thank you for your interest to my resume and portfolio. Although I couldn't have the chance in interview, I wonder what was the reasons that made you choose me for a candidate at first, what was interesting for you and which part can I improve in my portfolio? If you help me, it will definitely help me a lot. 

Thank you for your time again
Sincerely yours, 

이번에 현대카드에서 주최한 모마 인턴쉽 떨어졌어요 ㅠㅠ 디자인부서로 지원한 거라 포트폴리오랑 이력서, 추천서, 성적표를 제출했었고 1차 서류 넘기고 2차 전화인터뷰에서 떨어졌어요. 영어도 안되고 연습도 부족하고 덜덜떨어서 떨어졌습니다 ;ㅁ;
그래도 인터뷰까지 한 건 뭔가 저의 장점이 있었으니까 그런거라 생각이 들어요.
그래서 의견을 묻고 싶은데 영어로 표현하는 능력이 많이 떨어져서 좀 형식적이게 고쳐야 할 것 같아요. 많이 도와주세요 ㅠㅠ!
내공이 얼마 없네요 50 드립니다!! ㅠㅠ

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

 안녕하세요. 파워 avenuektk입니다. 답변드리겠습니다. 


 It was honor for me to have an interview with Moma design studio. Thank you for your interest to my resume and portfolio. Although I couldn't have the chance in interview, I wonder what was the reasons that made you choose me for a candidate at first, what was interesting for you and which part can I improve in my portfolio? If you help me, it will definitely help me a lot. 

Thank you for your time again
Sincerely yours, 


It was indeed an honor for me to have an opportunity to have a telephone interview provided by Moma Design Studio. I do appreciate for your interests in my resume and portfolio. However, it seemed like that I did not do well in your telephone interview test. Could you please let me know the reason why I was failed in your telephone interview test? Besides, I'm wondering about what was your interest in my portfolio in the beginning stage and wondering whether you can give me some tips for me to improve my portfolio. With your kind help, it definitely would help me a lot in future. 


Thank you

Yours sincerely 


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