

작성일 2024.04.25댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

children 뒤에 are이 오나요 is가 오나요??
급해요ㅜㅜ 제발ㅠㅠ

#children #childrens day #children 뜻 #children of morta #children of men #children of the city #children 복수 #children of bodom #childrensalon #children of dune

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children 뒤에 are이 오나요 is가 오나요??


children은 child의 복수형입니다

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The child is dancing.

The children are dancing on the playground.

My mother had six children

My mother had six children very young to work. very가 틀리다고 하는데ㅔ... children (who is) very young to work.... ref 24 regram My mother had six children very young to...

Children wish they w

Children wish they were grown-ups to do anything they want. Grown-ups wish they were children to have no... "Children wish they were grown-ups to do anything they want." 문장에서...

The number of children 단수? 복수?

The number of children 단수? 복수? 어떤 게 맞나요? The chilren 은 복수인데 The number of는 단수잖아요 그럼 그냥 The number of children...

us children? 문법 문제

... us children use our brains to get out of trouble. help 동사가 5형식 봐서 that children use our brains to get out of... us 다음에 children 이 별도의 명사라서 이 둘을...

There are many children

... There are much children 이 맞다는데 어린이들. 셀 수... many children.(O) 이게 왜 틀린 문장인가요? There are much children 이 맞다는데 어린이들. 셀 수 있는 거...

My children got used to stayin

My children got used to staying quiet in a public place. 이 문장에서 quiet는 형용사 아닌가요?? 형용사는 명사 앞에서 명사 수식하고 be동사 뒤에서 주어 보충설명 하는...

So excited came the children back 은...

So excited came the children back 은 안되고 So excited did the children come back 만... So excited came the children back. 2. So excited did the children come back. 이게 전체...

I doubt how children

I doubt how children can learn English much while sitting and chatting in a... 고르고 틀린거 1개 찾아주세요 I doubt how much children can learn...

to raise money for crippled children.

위 문장에서 to raise money가 for crippled children(부사) 을 수식하는 부사적... 나타내는 부사적 용법입니다. for crippled children을 수식하는 게 아닙니다!

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