영어 레시피 해석좀해주세요

영어 레시피 해석좀해주세요

작성일 2009.11.30댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요




sliced rice cake, 1/4 onion, 1/2 carrot, red and green chilly pepper, sesame see oil, oil

Seasoning : 1 tbsp chilli pepper, 1 tbsp red bean paste/gochujang, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 3 tbsp beef broth, 1 tbsp chopped spring onion, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1/2 tbsp sugar, sesame seeds, ground black pepper, sesame seed oil

1. Choose thin white rice cake for Dukbokki purpose.

2. Mix sliced rice cakes with a few drops of sesame seed oil

3. Cut onion and carrot about 1/4 inch thickness

4. Deseed green and red chilly peppers and cut them diagonally

5. Make seasoning, and mix it well. In a deep skillet, coat with oil, and pour seasoning.

6. When seasoning starts to boil add onion, carrot, red and green pepper.

7. Stir for a while

8. Add rice cakes, and keep stirring until all the ingredients are cooked.

9. Taste to see if you need more salt or soy source.


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sliced rice cake, 1/4 onion, 1/2 carrot, red and green chilly pepper, sesame see oil, oil

: 떡볶이 떡, 양파 1/4개, 당근 반, 붉은 고추와 고추, 참기름, 식용유

Seasoning : 1 tbsp chilli pepper, 1 tbsp red bean paste/gochujang, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 3 tbsp beef broth, 1 tbsp chopped spring onion, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1/2 tbsp sugar, sesame seeds, ground black pepper, sesame seed oil

양념장: 고추가루 1스푼, 고추장 1스푼, 간장 1스푼, 쇠고기 육수 3스푼, 다진 파 1스푼, 다진마늘 1스푼, 설탕 반 스푼, 후추, 참기름

1. Choose thin white rice cake for Dukbokki purpose.

1. 떡볶이 만들 때는 얇게 썬 흰 떡을 이용하시오.

2. Mix sliced rice cakes with a few drops of sesame seed oil

2. 떡에 참기름 몇방울 떨어뜨려서 버물이세요.

3. Cut onion and carrot about 1/4 inch thickness

3. 양파와 당근은 1/4인치 두깨로 썰어주세요

4. Deseed green and red chilly peppers and cut them diagonally

4. 고추와 붉은 고추에서 씨를 빼고 길기 세로로 썰어요.

5. Make seasoning, and mix it well. In a deep skillet, coat with oil, and pour seasoning.

5. 양념장을 만들고 잘 섞으세요. 깊은 후라이팬에 식용유를 두르고 양념장을 부으세요.

6. When seasoning starts to boil add onion, carrot, red and green pepper.

6. 양념장이 보글보글 끓기 시작할때 양판, 당근, 고추랑 붉은 고추를 넣으세요

7. Stir for a while

7. 좀 저어주시고요

8. Add rice cakes, and keep stirring until all the ingredients are cooked.

8. 떡을 넣고 모든 재료가 다 익을 때까지 저어주세요.

9. Taste to see if you need more salt or soy source.

9. 조금 맛을 봐서, 소금이나 간자으로 간을 보세요..



윽.. 배고파지네요~

맛있게 드세요!

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