문법 검사 해주세요 ㅠ

문법 검사 해주세요 ㅠ

작성일 2024.05.19댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

What is the most powerful thing that can change history? It is medicine. 

It has the potential to yield more impactful results than arms and authority. 

The book, ‘10 medicines, changing history’, introduces medicines that changed history.

Among the most representative medicines, vitamin C was used to treat scurvy

and made England a superpower by helping James Cook sail worldwide. 

Opium of morphine made the Qing dynasty cede Hong Kong to England. 

Sulfonamide was an angel in World War 1, but a devil causing the fall of the Nazi regime because of its side effect. We can find other instances like quinine, penicillin, and salvarsan except for them. 

Reading this book by combining history and medical knowledge, we can realize how to use medicine and be alert because we know how seriously it can affect. It also sparks curiosity about medicine’s role in shaping the future. This book has not only humanistic elements but also natural elements and helps us cultivate ethical awareness. That’s why I recommend it especially if you want to major in the pharmaceutical field.

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What is the most powerful thing that can change history? It is medicine.

It has the potential to yield more impactful results than arms and authority.

The book '10 Medicines Changing History' introduces medicines that changed history.

Among the most representative medicines, vitamin C was used to treat scurvy (vitamin C was used to treat scurvy) and made England a superpower by helping James Cook sail worldwide.

Opium or morphine made the Qing dynasty cede Hong Kong to England.

Sulfonamide was an angel in World War 1, but a devil causing the fall of the Nazi regime because of its side effects. We can find other instances like quinine, penicillin, and salvarsan, to name a few.

By reading this book and combining history and medical knowledge, we can realize how to use medicine and be alert because we know how seriously it can affect (how seriously it can affect us). It also sparks curiosity about medicine's role in shaping the future. This book has not only humanistic elements but also natural elements and helps us cultivate ethical awareness. That's why I recommend it, especially if you want to major in the pharmaceutical field.


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