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영어 글쓰기

작성일 2024.05.12댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

논제는 플라스틱 사용 감소 필요성이다.

내가 이러 논제 선정 이유 플라스 오염 자연환, 야생동물 및 인간건강 해로 영향 미치 뿐만 아니라 해양생물 플라스틱 섭취하 사건이 전 세계적으로 보고되 있으 식품망 인간에게 향을 미치 세계적 문제이기때문 이러 논제를 선정하게 되었다. 플라스틱 배출량 통계를 보면 2008년부터 현재까 꾸준 증가하 있으 2020 이후로부터 코로나 한 일회용 배달용기 사용량 급증하면 폭발적으 증가하고 있다. 세계자연기금(WWF) 무총장 마르코 람베르티니가 한 말에 르면 플라스틱 지 않으려면 수백 플라스틱 버리는 일부터 막아야한 심각성 전했. 이에 대한 해결방안은 친환 사용하, 비닐봉지 사용 이기,  줄이기 등등 다양한 방법 . 무엇보 플라스틱 문제에 관심 가지 력이라도 실천하는 중요하.  이렇 플라스 문제 해결 된다 해양 생태계 건강하 유지될 있으 다양 보존 기여할 수 있다. 자연이 아니   질병 이겨낼 수 없다 있듯이 자연을 치 자신의 몸처럼 아껴 .






The thesis of this article is the need to reduce plastic usage.

The reason I chose this thesis is that plastic pollution has a detrimental effect on the natural environment, wildlife, and human health, as well as incidents of marine life consuming plastic are reported worldwide and affect humans through the food network and is a global problem.

According to Korea's annual plastic emissions statistics, it has been steadily increasing since 2008, and it has exploded since 2020 as the use of disposable delivery containers has soared due to COVID-19.According to Marco Lambertini, secretary-general of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), plastic must be "stopped from throwing away millions of tons of plastic if you don't want to eat it." There are various ways to solve this problem, such as using eco-friendly products, reducing the use of plastic bags, and reducing the use of straws. Above all, it is most important to pay attention to the plastic problem and practice even a small effort.If the plastic problem is solved in this way, marine and land ecosystems can be kept healthy and contribute to biodiversity conservation.As the saying goes, if it is not nature, you can never overcome diseases in your body, you have to care about nature as if it were your own body.

영어 글 전체적으로 어색하거나 어법이 틀린 부분이 있나요?

도움이 될진 모르겠지만 한글로 된 글도 올리겠습니다. 좀 길지만 부탁 드립니다...

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profile_image 익명 작성일 -


The thesis of this article is the need to reduce plastic consumption.

The reason I chose this thesis is because of global reports that plastic pollution not only has a detrimental effect on the natural environment and wild ecosystem, but also has a serious impact on humans through the food chain due to plastic ingestion by marine life. According to Korea's annual plastic consumption statistics, it has been steadily increasing since 2008, and the use of disposable delivery containers has been increasing explosively since 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. Marco Lambertini, Secretary General of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), expressed the seriousness of the situation by saying, “If we do not want to eat plastic, we must stop dumping millions of tons of plastic.” The solution is to use eco-friendly products and reduce the use of plastic bags. , various methods such as reducing the use of straws are being considered, and I think it is most important that we pay attention to this issue and make even a small effort.

If the plastic problem is solved through these efforts, marine and terrestrial ecosystems can be kept healthy and contribute to biodiversity conservation. Considering the importance of human interaction with nature, I believe that we should cherish nature as if it were our own body.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

The central argument of this article underscores the imperative to diminish plastic usage.

I selected this thesis because plastic pollution profoundly impacts the natural environment, wildlife, and human health. Reports of marine life ingesting plastic are widespread and have repercussions for humans through the food chain, making it a global concern.

Korea's annual plastic emissions have been steadily rising since 2008 and surged dramatically since 2020 due to the increased use of disposable delivery containers amid COVID-19. According to Marco Lambertini, the secretary-general of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), we must cease discarding millions of tons of plastic to prevent its infiltration into our food supply. Various solutions exist, including adopting eco-friendly products, minimizing plastic bag usage, and reducing straw consumption. Above all, it is crucial to raise awareness of the plastic issue and make even small efforts towards resolution.

By addressing the plastic problem, we can maintain the health of marine and terrestrial ecosystems and contribute to biodiversity conservation. As the saying goes, "if you do not take care of nature, you cannot overcome diseases in your body"; therefore, we must treat nature as we would our own bodies.


XD잉글리쉬의 답변이 도움되셨다면 꼭 답변확정 부탁드립니다 :)


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