영어 아홉 문장 첨삭 부탁드려요

영어 아홉 문장 첨삭 부탁드려요

작성일 2021.04.11댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

What I want to change about myself is to stop putting things off.
I waste too much time dragging out on small stuff or homework and procrastinate the things which are very important and helpful.
So I thought, 'if I keep going on like this with no change, I'll not get to any goals and I'll regret greatly not to have done things, in the end.'
I have always hoped to live a meaningful life, so I decided to start doing two things to break the habit. 
First of all, I will make monthly, weekly, and daily planner in methodical way.
It is because I have usually done things without making any plan, and I thought this is the big reason of my problem.
And secondly, I will change my mindset.
I will try to overcome my fear of things that I have to do, and face it enjoyably and thankfully.
Through all of this effort, I will be able to feel better about myself and live a healthier and fruitful life.

제가 쓴 글인데 다른 지식인 분에게 첨삭을 잘 받았는데도 불안감에ㅜㅜ다시 한번 올립니다.
문법적으로나 부자연스러운 부분 등등 잘 살펴주시고 첨삭 부탁드려요

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profile_image 익명 작성일 -

I waste too much time dragging out on small stuff or homework and procrastinate the things which are very important and helpful.

→ I waste too much time dragging out small stuff or homework and procrastinate the things that are very important and helpful.

So I thought, 'if I keep going on like this with no change, I'll not get to any goals and I'll regret greatly not to have done things, in the end.'

→ So I thought, 'if I keep going on like this with no change, I'll not (I won’t) get to any goals and in the end, I’ll regret greatly not having done these things.'

First of all, I will make monthly, weekly, and daily planner in methodical way.

→ First of all, I will make a monthly, weekly, and daily planner in a methodical way.

It is because I have usually done things without making any plan, and I thought this is the big reason of my problem.

→ It is because I have been doing things without making any plans, and I thought this was a big reason for my problem.

I will try to overcome my fear of things that I have to do, and face it enjoyably and thankfully. Through all of this effort, I will be able to feel better about myself and live a healthier and fruitful life.

→ I will try to overcome my fear of things that I have to do, and face them enjoyably and thankfully. Through all these efforts, I will be able to feel better about myself and live a healthier and more fruitful (= rewarding) life.

몇 사소한 문법 실수만 제외하면 정말 잘 쓰셨네요!

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