동명사 to부정사 영어 문법 질문

동명사 to부정사 영어 문법 질문

작성일 2021.04.06댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

동명사는 어떨때 투부정사는 어떨 때 쓰나요????
뭐가 다른거예요??뭐 맨날 동명사 쓰면 투부정사라 그러고

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동염사는 아래 부정사의 명사적 용법의 경우 동명사로 쓸 수 있습니다,

(I) To learn English is difficult. 주어

= It is difficult to learn English. 가주어 /진주어

Learning English is difficult. 주어

(2) To see is to believe. 주어 /주격보어

Seeing is believing. 주어 /주격보어

(3) I want to read this book. 목적어

He enjoyed reading the book. 목적어




(I) To learn English is difficult. 주어

= It is difficult to learn English. 가주어 /진주어

(2) To see is to believe. 주어 /주격보어

(3) I want to read this book. 목적어

I found it easy to read this book. 가목적어 진목적어

(4) He is learning how to swim.

*** 의문사+to 부정사 = 명사구¸

(그는 헤엄치는 법을 배우고 있다.)

•••how to swim은ְ 명사적 역할을

한다, learning의 목적어 이다.

I don't know (what to do).

I don't know where to go.

I don't know wheח to do it.

I don’ t know whom to go with.

형용사적 부정사

(1) I have no friend to advise me. 피수식어가 주어

(2) There are many sights to see here. 피수식어가 목적어

(3) I have no house to live in. 피수식어가 전치사 목적어

(4) Be + to ~ (예정, 의무, 운명, 가능, 의도)

We are to meet here at five. 예정

You are to finish it by six. 의무

He was never to see his home again. 운명

No on was to be seen on the street. 가능

( = No one could be seen on the street. )

If you are to succeed, you must work hard. 의도



(1) He came to see me. 목적 (so as to ~ = in order to ~)

(2) One fine morning he awoke to find himself famous. 결과

(3) I am very glad to see you. 원인

(4) He must be foolish to say like that. 이유

(5) I should be happy to go with you. 조건

(6) English is very hard to learn. 형용사 수식

He is not old enough to go to school.부사 수식


부정사의 의미상주어

(1) I expect to succeed. 주어

I expect you to succeed. 목적어

(2) It is impossible for you to solve the question. for의 목적어

It is time for you to go to bed.

I work hard for my family to live in comfort.

(3) It is not easy to learn a foreign language. 일반인

(4) It's kind of you to say so. of의 목적어


(l) I have heard him sing. 지각동사

(2) What makes you think so? 사역동사

(3) I cannot but laugh. but~

(4) She did nothing but cry.

(5) You had better consult the doctor. had better 다음

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