영어 문법 오류 있나요

영어 문법 오류 있나요

작성일 2019.10.01댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

Taking trip to Mars sounds thrilled

The boss was so annoying. Everyone in the company does not want to talk with him

Children looked surprising after they were given presents

Some word are impossible to translate it.

It it necessary for us to get a job in future.

It’s a big factory. One hundred people emoyed there

Despite of the bed condition, he decided to climb the mountain.

Our company’s products are different from that of our rivals.

문장에 오류 있나여

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profile_image 익명 작성일 -

Taking trips to Mars sounds thrilling.

The boss was so annoyed. Everyone in the company does not want to talk to him

Children looked surprised after they had been given presents

Some words are impossible to be translated our language.

어떤 단어들은 우리의 언어로 번역되기가 불가능했다. 이런 의미시면 이렇게 고치면 됩니다.

대명사 it이 무엇인지 몰라서요

It it necessary for us to get a job in the future.

It’s a big factory. One hundred people are employed there

Despite of the bed condition, he decided to climb the mountain.

Our company’s products are different from those of our rivals.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

Taking a trip to Mars sounds thrilled.

The boss was so annoying. Everyone in the company does not want to talk to him.

Children looked surprising after they had given presents.

문법이 맞는지를 Grammarly에서 체크해 보세요.

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