안녕하세요! 문법 체크좀 부탁드려요!

안녕하세요! 문법 체크좀 부탁드려요!

작성일 2014.06.08댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

Sangjae : Hey, Jonghyeon. How are you doing?

Jonghyeon : Oh, hi, Sangjae. I'm fine. What's new with you?

Sangjae : Umm, summer vacation is near.

Jonghyeon : That's wonderful! What do you think you'll do in summer vacation?

Sangjae : I think I'll go bicycle traveling with some friends. 

Jonghyeon : That sound fun! But is it expensive to spend money for the trip?

Sangjae : Yes, but I don't have enough money.

Jonghyeon : That's too bad. So do you have any plans to earn your money?

Sangjae : I'm planning to work in the restaurant for a month to buy a bicycle.

Jonghyeon : That's good idea.

Sangjae : Do you want to join with me?

Jonghyeon : Umm, wait, give me time to think.

Sangjae : OK. hurry up!

Jonghyeon : I think I can't join with you, I'm so sorry

Sangjae : Why can't you join?

Jonghyeon : Cause my bicycle is old to use.

Sangjae : Then you should by for the new one.

Jonghyeon : But I don't have enough money to purchase. 

Sangjae : Okay, now I understand. 

Jonghyeon : I'm so sorry, if you have a another plan on next time then I will join with you. 


답장이 정말 빠르셔서 놀랐습니다! 대학교 대화문작문 시험인데요 ㅠㅠ 체크좀부탁드릴게요 감사합니다!

#안녕하세요 문법

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답변 드리기 전에 말씀 드리자면 

오랄테스트의 경우 문법보다는 발음과 어조(intonation)에 유의하는 것이 좋습니다.

글쓰기가 아닌 말하기의 경우 문법적 허용이 보다 관대하기 때문입니다.

굳이 수정은 해드립니다만, 작성하신 대로 롤플레잉하셔도 무방합니다.



Sangjae : Hey, Jonghyeon. How are you doing?

Jonghyeon : Oh, hi, Sangjae. I'm fine. What's new with you?

Sangjae : Umm, summer vacation is close.

Jonghyeon : That's wonderful! What are you planning do in summer vacation?

Sangjae : I'm planning to go bicycle traveling with some friends. 

Jonghyeon : That sounds fun! But isn't it expensive to take a trip?

Sangjae : Yes it is, but I don't have enough money.

Jonghyeon : That's too bad. So do you have any plans to earn your money?

Sangjae : I'm planning to work in the restaurant for a month to buy a bicycle.

Jonghyeon : That'sa good idea.

Sangjae : Do you want to join with me?

Jonghyeon : Umm, wait, give me a second to think.

Sangjae : OK. hurry up!

Jonghyeon : I think I can't join with you, I'm so sorry.

Sangjae : Why can't you join?

Jonghyeon : Cause my bicycle istoo old to ride on.

Sangjae : Then you should buy a new one.

Jonghyeon : But I don't have enough money to purchase it. 

Sangjae : Okay, now I understand. 

Jonghyeon : I'm so sorry, if you have a another plan on next time, then I will join with you. 

문법 체크좀 부탁드려요.

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