영어 잘하시는 분들 이상한 부분없나 봐주세요ㅠㅠㅠ

영어 잘하시는 분들 이상한 부분없나 봐주세요ㅠㅠㅠ

작성일 2019.10.27댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

The picture I will introduce is 'Terrace of a cafe at night.‘

The reason why I like this painting is because it makes me feel relaxed.

He didn't use black, but he only expressed the night sky in purple, blue, and green.

He used yellow mainly in cafes. So it gave me a warm feeling.

The person who painted the painting is Vincent Van Gogh. He's Dutch.

His style of art is a post-Impressionist painter who paints landscapes and portraits. I respect him.

He committed suicide at the age of 36. But he is one of the most famous artists in the world.

His first work is 'The Potato-eaters.' He painted hard-working workers.

He used a dark hue. He wasn't well received at the time.

He studied the work of Peter Paul Rubens and worked on colorimetric assimilation.

He cut off his earlobe while fighting with Paul Gauguin. Then he was admitted to a mental hospital.

The painting he painted after being admitted to a mental hospital is "Starry Night." It's a really famous painting.

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Today, I want to introduce the painting 'Cafe Terrace at Night' by van Gogh (밴고)‘

The reason why I like this painting is because it relaxes me.

The painter expressed the night sky using only purple, blue, and green, without the black color.

He used yellow mainly in the cafe, which gives me a warm feeling.

The painter, Vincent Van Gogh was Dutch.

He was a post-Impressionist artist who painted landscapes and portraits. I respect him.

He is one of the most famous artists in the world but committed suicide at the age of 36.

His first work was 'The Potato Eaters.' that portrays hard-working workers painted in dark.

He wasn't well received when he was alive.

He studied the works of Peter Paul Rubens and worked on colorimetric assimilation.

He cut off his earlobe while fighting with Paul Gauguin. Then he was admitted to a mental hospital.

After being admitted to a mental hospital he painted "Starry Night.", which is also a really famous painting.

컴퓨터 잘하시는분들 봐주세요,,

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