영어 에세이 첨삭

영어 에세이 첨삭

작성일 2023.11.13댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

뜻만 맞도록 몇 문장들 구조? 이런것만 바꿔주세요 ㅜ 학교에서 AI가 썼다고 GPTZERO 썼을때 엄청 높은 확률로 잡혔는데 안 썼는데 계속해서 그렇게 나와서 어떻게 수정을 해야할지 모르겠어요 ㅜㅜ (해외 국제학교 재학 중이라 단어를 쉽게 바꾸거나 하실 필요 없이 그냥 뜻만 같도록 에세이의 일부분을 좀 변경해주세요)

Throughout American history, a recurring theme has left an enduring imprint on our collective consciousness: racial disparities within the criminal justice system. “Slavery gave America a fear of black people and a taste for violent punishment. Both still define our criminal-justice system”, part of the 1619 project,  the author confronts racial disparities, their historical roots, and the complexity of the Supreme Court's acknowledgment of bias as "inevitable." Through this passage, the reader questions whether sentencing imbalances due to racial prejudice can be eradicated, By understanding this esotieric passage, the reader can see the urgent need for substantial change in the US criminal justice system. 

“Inside courtrooms, the problem gets worse. Racial disparities in sentencing are found in almost every crime category. Children as young as 13, almost all black, are sentenced to life imprisonment for nonhomicide offenses. Black defendants are 22 times more likely to receive the death penalty for crimes whose victims are white, rather than black — a type of bias the Supreme Court has declared “inevitable.”” 

This passage underscores the intricate network of racial disparities within the criminal justice system, revealing layers of complexity that pose challenges to comprehension. At the core of this complexity lies the contrasting ironic declaration of “ineviable” within the court sysstem designed to protect justice and fairness. This irony is both a critique of the competence of the judiciary and revelation of the inherent inequity , and the Supereme Court’s use of the term “ineviable” means a reluctance to accept that the racial gap persists within the criminal justice system over time. This undercurrent of resignation leaves the question of whether the Supreme Court has consistently observed theses gaps across differenct regions and times, and whether sought to drive meaningful changes. From a social point of view, a judge’s ruling can be influenced by be sentenced to life in prison, society, including white people, increasingly looks at them from the perspectibve of criminals, so the Supreme Court may question this declaration as it recognizes that is has an obligation to solve this problem. 

However, it is difficult to determine whether there is a sentence gap between black and white people even if they commit the same crime. Regardless of how many black people have overcome slavery and returned to the lives of criminals, such judgments should be based solely on the specific circumstances surrounding the sentence. The notion of inevitability suggests that despite the role of the system in maintaining fairness, courts are struggling to bridge the real judgment gap between white and black people across geographical boundaries. In addition, 13 year old black children face life in prison, highlighting the seriousness even further. Whether the court, the guardian of justice, believed that this gap could be completely eliminated, the duty to ensure fairness and the persistence of this serious gap are considered by the reader through juxtaposition.

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Throughout the annals of American history, a persistent and impactful theme has been etched into the collective psyche: the existence of racial inequities within the legal system. As articulated in the 1619 Project, "America's legacy of slavery has engendered a deep-seated apprehension towards African Americans and a proclivity for severe retribution, both continuing to mold the framework of our criminal justice system." This assertion delves into the ingrained racial inequalities, their roots in history, and the complexities encapsulated in the Supreme Court's recognition of inescapable bias. The declaration invites contemplation on the feasibility of rectifying the imbalances in sentencing that are influenced by racial prejudice, underscoring an urgent call for substantial reforms within the United States' legal system.

This section illuminates the entrenched and multifaceted nature of racial disparities in the criminal justice system, revealing layers of complexity that complicate comprehension. At the heart of this issue is the Supreme Court's paradoxical concession of the "inevitability" of bias within a framework designed to champion justice and impartiality. This contradiction acts as both a critique of the judicial system's efficacy and a revelation of its inherent bias. The term "inevitable," as used by the Supreme Court, reflects a reluctance to fully acknowledge the enduring racial divide permeating the justice system. This sense of defeatism prompts inquiry into whether the Supreme Court has uniformly acknowledged these disparities over various regions and periods and whether it has earnestly sought reform. Societally, the skewed perception towards African Americans, especially those receiving life sentences, invites further examination of the Supreme Court's position as it acknowledges its duty to address this matter.

Determining the existence of a sentencing disparity between African American and white individuals for identical crimes presents its challenges. Despite the strides many African Americans have made in transcending the shadows of slavery and criminal typecasting, judicial decisions ought to be anchored in the specific nuances of each case. The notion of inevitability implies that, despite the system's obligation to maintain fairness, the judiciary grapples with bridging the overt gap in sentencing between African American and white individuals. The gravity of this issue is further accentuated by the reality that African American youth, sometimes as young as 13, are subjected to life sentences, highlighting the critical nature of the issue. Thus, the reader is engaged in pondering whether the judiciary, as the custodian of justice, envisions a possibility of completely eradicating this gap, juxtaposing its duty to guarantee fairness against the backdrop of this significant and persistent disparity.

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