susceptible Qna 관련 답변 9 페이지

번역 요청합니다 번역기x 그걸못해서...

... more susceptible to breakage. This gives the impression that aluminum breaks easily.... more susceptible to breakage. 이부분 번역 해주시면 감사하겠습니다...


번역 부탁드립니다~

... extremely susceptible to the policy of economic blocs pursued by Germany under the... extremely susceptible to the policy of economic blocs pursued by Germany under the...


영어 한문장만 도와주세용

Biological vulnerability sometimes occurs first, making some children more susceptible to... more susceptible to problems when their environment is not nurturing. 생물학적...


어법상틀린것! !!!!

... more susceptible to injury than (to go) barefoot. ()친게틀렸는데 왜... more susceptible to injury than (to go) barefoot. 비교급 문장인데... wearing shoes...


영어 발음질문

susceptible 민감한, 예민한 뜻의 단어를 봤을때 발음기호상 발음해보면 서쎕터블... 전 잘 모르겠어서,, susceptible 이 단어에서 u와 i에는 강세가 없습니다. 강세가없는...


영어해석 부탁드립니다.

... While some kids may be more genetically susceptible to Type 2 diabetes, another... While some kids may be more genetically susceptible to Type 2 diabetes, another...


2문장 질문

... becomes susceptible to elimination by natural selection.... becomes susceptible to elimination by natural... becomes susceptible to elimination by natural selection....


영어→한글로 바꿔주세요 내공100...

... Children and teens are especially susceptible to marketing ploys, and are... Children and teens are especially susceptible to marketing ploys, and are therefore an...


가주어 진주어

It is not susceptible to the drug treatment. 가주어진주언가요 강조 구문인가요??... It is not susceptible to the drug treatment. : 가주어 진주어 구문이 아니지요 진주어는 1....


(내공50)간단한 영문 몇문장 해석이요~!!

... are susceptible to it in their purchasing the product. It can be safely said that... are susceptible to it in their purchasing the product. 국가의 이미지에...


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