sled Qna 관련 답변 9 페이지

문장해석 급해요

... 4.He pushed the sled down a small hill. 5.The sled went onto the ice of Lake Michigan. 6.Timmy ran after the sled. 7.Minutes went by. 8.Men from the Chicago Fire...


해석 부탁드립니다. 급해요~~

... Your sled team races on frozen rivers. Sometimes you can’t see anything as the... Your sled team races on frozen rivers. 여러분의 썰매팀은 꽁꽁 얼어붙은...


질문이 있습니다...

... the sled. 1) 위의 문장에서 and다음에 with가 있는 것이 정상인 것인지... the sled. 1) 위의 문장에서 and다음에 with가 있는 것이 정상인 것인지 의문이...


영어 수동태에서 능동태로 바꾸기

it is called the iditarod trail sled dog race 를 능동태로... trail sled dog race (by people.) -> 위 문장은 by... trail sled dog race.' '사람들은 그걸 아이디타로드 개...


영어 해석좀 부탁해요~!

... of sled dogs but nineteen small ponies. In contrast to the more widely used sled withstand the freezing... of sled dogs rather ponies. In 1911, the English explorer...


영어 요약 해주세요

... Teams consist of either two or four people: a driver who controls the sled, a brakeman who stops it, and for four-person teams, two additional pushers. The...


영어 독해좀요 ㅜㅜ.. 급해요ㅠㅠ

... best sled dog racers in the world. She got that title when she won her third Iditarod sled dog race.... Susan is one of the best sled dog racers in the world. She got...


영어 번역 부탁합니다. ㅠㅠ 제가 미리...

... One day, who work for big house, he sold Buck for sled dog.... for sled dog. --> One day, one of the two workers who worked for the big house sold Buck as a sled dog. 번역에서...

태그: 영작

essay 수정 좀 부탁드릴께요!

... My grand father made a sled and gave me that. I... And I sled over the snow with my cousins. When I sled over the ice, I felt so fun. I sled over the...



Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race A Local Legacy Have you ever... Trail Sled Dog Race in Alaska. Called "the last great... a sled driven by a man or woman, called a "musher....


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