significant Qna 관련 답변 9 페이지

영어 분사구문 질문

... poses significant risks. 이글에서 분사구문이 쓰인건지... Thus, drug legalization, which threatens teenagers' health and future, poses significant...


영어 수행평가 글쓰기

... Body The most significant issue caused by fine dust is its impact on human... Body The most significant issue caused by fine dust is its impact on human health....

태그: 영어문법, 영어글쓰기

영어 문법

ex)<Any / There / These / That> remain significant challenges. -> significant challenges가... 문법적으로 ex)<Any / There / These / That> remain significant challenges....


중3 영어 수행 글 쓴거 문법 맞는지...

... First, they are similar because both faced significant challenges and... First, they are similar because both faced significant challenges and...

태그: 내일수행평가에요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ, 빠른답변부탁드립니다, 도와주세요ㅜㅜㅜ제발, 도와주신다면천사입니다제발요제발

영어 whatever

... a significant number of people everywhere (D)tries to oppose it (E)in whatever... a significant number of people everywhere (D)tries to oppose it (E)in whatever ways...

태그: 영어

토익 해석 질문입니다!

We are requesting no significant adjustments to the blueprints... We are requesting/ no significant adjustments/ to the... 않다) / significant adjustments (중요한 조정을) 으로...


not only A but also B 문장 맞나요?

Not only would the introduction of women's conscription require significant costs... Not only would the introduction of women's conscription require significant...


영어 전치사 유무

We have incurred significant operating losses since our inception a decade ago 우리는 10년... We have incurred significant operating losses since our inception a decade ago 우리는...

태그: 영어독해, 영어해석, 영어고수의도움이필요합니다, 전치사생략, ago, 전치사, 대격부사, 영어문장, 영어시간, 고등영어

In which 불완전한 절 가능한가요?

... entailed significant cognitive, knowing that, elements.... entailed significant cognitive, knowing that, elements.]... in which(부) are entailed(수동) [significant cognitive...

태그: 영어문법, 수능완성영어

영어독해에 대해서

... made significant contributions to psychology. 최근 과학이 Freud의 이론들이... made significant contributions to psychology. 최신 과학이 Freud의 이론...

태그: 문제풀이

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