placed Qna 관련 답변 9 페이지


동사 placed

문장 The government placed a ban on carrying a large volume of liquid on board a plane... 여기서 placed가 왜 사용됬는지 모르겠습니다. 그냥 The government banned...


if I placed my thumb along

GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING, 내용중에서 (1) If I placed my thumb along one edge of the... GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING, 내용중에서 (1) If I placed my thumb along one edge of...


영어 문장 질문

Would I want everyone else, if placed in my position, to do the... if placed in my position는 삽입구니까 우선 그것을... 여기에 삽입구를 집어넣으면 if placed in my...

태그: 문제풀이

영어 대명사 수식

The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had... had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued. he가 뭘수식하나요?...

태그: 영어

중 1 영어문제

got poured were placed calmed came was worried went greeted tell hag... 과거형/were placed 놓다 / 동사원형/place 미래형/will place 과거형/placed calmed 진정시키다...

태그: 문제풀이

영어 한글해석이랑 한글 발음 좀...

... They are mostly inexpensive items strategically placed there. Since you've already... " They are mostly inexpensive items strategically placed there. 해석: "이들은 주로...


영어 문법

... these limitations placed on discovering and... limitations placed on discovering and exploring the... these limitations placed on discovering and exploring the...


콤마가 많은 문장 구조에 대해 질문

... was placed on their clothing and accessories, a trend... was placed 목적어,전치사 on their clothing and... 여기서 and more emphasis was placed on their...


영어 질문있습니다.

Near an honesty box, in which people placed coffee fund contributions, ~~ 이 문장처럼... Near an honesty box, in which people placed coffee fund contributions, ~~ 이 문장처럼, 관계대명사...


영어 해석

their reflects the great importance placed by the peer group on other-directed behavior 에서 placed by는 어떻게... is) placed by the peer group on other-directed behavior....


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