optimistic Qna 관련 답변 9 페이지

The existence of wat

... an optimistic one, images can, unfortuately, only prove so much. 여기서 one이 받는... an optimistic one, images can, (unfortuately), only prove so much. - one = discovery...


영어 해석 질문

the fact that you give a gift to your close person giving off optimistic energy will... off optimistic energy) will remain the most intense memory 당신이 낙천적인...


영어 문법 좀

... an optimistic or pessimistic lens. 인데 to와 have... an optimistic or pessimistic lens]]. to와 have... ----------- [to have an optimistic or pessimistic lens]는...


영어 작문한건데 문법좀 봐주세요!

... An optimistic person makes people around him happy and energetic. Living with an optimistic spouse... If we have optimistic thinking, diligence...


중학생 영어 문장 만들기

... Inevitable Optimistic: pessimistic Play to each other’s strengths In terms... He was an optimistic person, unlike his pessimistic sister. The two groups...


이 노래 가사 해석 좀 부탁드립니다.

... an optimistic day Those memories are ironclad I'm twice the man I could've been I... Oh what an optimistic day 오, 얼마나 낙관적인 날일까. Those memories are...


토익 질문이요

... b-optimistic 인데 왜 답이 b 가 되는 지 모르겠네요... are optimistic about the stability 전문가들은 안정성에 대해 낙천적이다. 2형식 문장입니다. optimistic...


영어 문제 풀다가 이해가 잘 안돼서..

... an optimistic person. -> ( ), I am an optimistic person. 그리고 괄호 안의 동사... Because I always look on the bright side of life, I am an optimistic person. 접속사를...


영어 질문

... optimistic 4. ungrateful i believe that parents should determinedly... optimistic ✓4. ungrateful i believe that parents should determinedly ____ programs...


토익 문법 문제

... overly optimistic. 1) whom 2) when 3) which 4) that... overly optimistic. 1) whom 2) when 3) which 4) that... be overly optimistic. -> the potential investors /found...


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