ignored Qna 관련 답변 9 페이지


영어문법 질문입니다.

tech bosses mostly ignored the problem in the hope it would go away. 위 문장에서 hope 다음에... tech bosses mostly ignored the problem in the hope it would go away. 위 문장에서 hope...

태그: 영어, 문법, 영어문법

영어 문법 질문좀요.

... Everybody ignored me as if I didn't exist. 여기서는 왜 as if 문장 안에 일반... Everybody ignored me as if I didn't exist. as if절에 과거가 나오면, 주절동사와...


0901 초간단 영문법 질문

How many times have you heard of stories where people ignored the warning signs and daverse... How many times have you heard of stories where people ignored the warning signs and...


영어 번역 부탁합니다

... I thought you were playing with me when you ignored my message. I just wanted to... I thought you were playing with me when you ignored my message. I just wanted to...


영어 수행평간데 문법 틀린거 있나요?

... Also, the other person may feel that they have been ignored by your words.... Also, the other person may feel that he/she has been ignored by your words....


pspice current marker 오류

Current marker will be ignored unless connected to a pin 이런 오류 문구가 뜨면서 전류... 소자가 아니라 와이어 또는 노드에 연결해주시면 Current marker will be ignored unless...



They ignored and ridiculed the navigator's suggestions... 두개나녕가능하잖아요.ignored, ridiculed가... (ignored and ridiculed)는 의미상 하나로 봅니다...


영어 문법 틀린부분 봐주세요

... who ignored the old woman. Also, seeing Belle who truly loved the Beast... who ignored the old woman. Also, seeing Belle who truly loved the Beast made...


that'll show someone 뜻

... He ignored by point. Now, that'll show him. = 그가 내 의견을 무시했는데, (결과가 나에게 유리하게 나왔으니) 이제 그걸 보고 알게 되겠지. 같은 식입니다.



... been ignored by the Supreme Court. Since its inception in 2005, most of the... been ignored by the Supreme Court. 2005년 설립된 이래로위원회의 권고...


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