deficits Qna 관련 답변 9 페이지


[내공 100]이거 영어 해석좀 해주세요.

... overemphasize deficits, making it difficult to help clients glean a sense of hope... overemphasize deficits, making it difficult to help clients glean a sense of hope...


물리치료학 원서의 영한번역부탁합니다.

... neurologic deficits, particularly the neuromyopathies often found in critically... neurologic deficits, particularly the neuromyopathies often found in critically...


간절히원합니다 해석.....도와주세여ㅠ

... Mild deficits in memory do being in the 40s and 50s and increase in later years... Mild deficits in memory do begin in the 40s and 50s and increase in later years, but...


지금 번역이 급한데 제발 좀 해주시면...

... specific deficits. Studies of the coordination of the deep and superficial... specific deficits. 앞선 연구들(Watson and Trott, 1993; Barton and Hayes, 1996)...


영어 논문 번역 부탁드립니다.

... control deficits of the lumbopelvic region and lower... Motor control deficits have been linked to reports of... control deficits of the lumbopelvic region and lower...


번역 부탁드립니다. (영->한)

... child's deficits render learning uniquely challenging and require a special... child's deficits(아이의 결함) render learning(학습에 참고하다) uniquely...


영어 빨리 해석해주시는 분 내공 100!!!!!...

... trade deficits. But most analysts point out that the Iron Curtain has been pulled... trade deficits. 예를들어 폴란드의 실업률은 현재 약 18...


아까 저널 부탁이요~~

... similar deficits in some aspects of cortical response... differential deficits in other aspects of... similar deficits in some aspects of cortical response and...


영어 문제하나 해석해주세여. 4지선다

... The federal government has run budget deficits every year since 1969. In recent... The federal government has run budget deficits every year since 1969....


영어기사 번역좀 (짧아요 ㅠㅠ) 내공많이!!

... With federal budget deficits soaring, policy makers and other advocates are eyeing... With federal budget deficits soaring, policy makers and other advocates are eyeing the...


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